Ch 21: A New Position

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You lied in your bed - staring at the ceiling. Every part of you felt numb. It seemed liked every memory you had with Jack was flooding your mind. Playing out like a timeline, until an abrupt end. Tears slowly slid down your cheeks, wetting the pillow.
You hadn't told Emily yet. You weren't sure you'd be able to say the words. She, and everyone else on Helios would find out tomorrow. An announcement would be made and Hudson would take over general command.

You stayed away from work for the following days. Not that you really had a job anymore, unless you took Hudson up on his offer. You may despise the man, but it was probably the only chance you had at keeping something remotely close to your current position.

You forced yourself to leave your apartment. Slowly, you made your way to the fast travel station.

Rematerializing, your eyes opened to see the door to Jack's apartment. No one but you could get in there, and it would stay locked forever now.

You stepped closer, leaning your head against the cold metal doors. You could feel the tears forming again. Keeping your eyes closed, you moved your hand over to activate the doors scanning protocol.

"Welcome, (y/n)" the female robotic voice spoke.

You heard the doors slide open in front of you. Your eyes still closed - you stepped through the doorway, allowing them to close behind you. The clean, powerful scent of Jack slowly crept up and wrapped its self around your nose. It proved to be the final straw.

Tears began flowing, streaming down your face as you fell to your knees in the entrance of the room.
Everything you had been trying to numb the past few days began flooding through you. Your sobs echoed in the quiet, dark room. The floor was cold and hard, but you couldn't bring yourself to stand. Your entire body felt heavier. As if this heartbreak was a physical force blanketing you.
Your eyes, now adjusted to the dark began to pick up the dim glow of the aquarium. You opened them and looked over at it. The large fish swam around - carefree, only waiting for their next meal.
You wiped your eyes, allowing you to see through the still flowing tears. You crawled over to the tank, pressing your open hand against the cool glass. You let yourself focus on the patterns of the fish. Swimming around the plants, pecking on the rocks at the bottom, and occasionally chasing the smaller fish until they swam into a hiding spot too small for the other. For so many months, you had watched these fish go about their lives. They had always calmed you. They couldn't stay here alone though...they would die too.

You didn't plan on visiting this place again. You couldn't. You were just here to get your things. The fish had slipped from your mind until now, but you couldn't let them eventually starve.
You brought up your ECHOband. After scrolling for a bit, you found what you were looking for, and opened a call.

The fish would be moved into the aquatic area of Helios. Somewhere where they'd be taken care of.

Eventually, you managed to stand, and stepped into Jack's bedroom. It smelled even more like him in here. You could feel your knees weaken, and that heavy feeling returning. You forced yourself not to linger and began stuffing all of your things into a bag.
Only one more time that you'd have to come back, to help with the fish, and then never again. At least that's what you were telling yourself now.

The next day, you opened the door for the men transporting the fish. They didn't seem aware of who's apartment they were in. All the better.
Later that day, you heard the Helios wide announcement of Jack's presumed death, and of the memorial that would be held. You buried your head into your pillows, trying to drown out the words. It didn't help, you already knew what they were.

Dreams Don't Always Go To Plan (Handsome Jack x Reader) (NEW & REVISED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now