Ch 31: A Deal

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" Well. Isn't this a surprise, Rhysie ?"

Rhys stood - speechless. Sure, he'd wanted it to work...but now that the man- AI, himself was standing right in front of him - he immediately realized he had no idea what to say to him, and that this was likely a horrible idea.

" I don't know why you look so surprised, Kiddo. You're the one who plugged me back in...after who knows how long. ..Can't really tell time in the black void of nothingness. " Jack's expressions echoed the snarkiness of his tone.

He waited for Rhys to respond, but he just stood there. His mouth still slightly open in bewilderment.

Jack raised his brow questioningly - " There any gears turning in that head of yours, Kiddo ?" - finally prompting Rhys to react.

"Um...uh- Y-you were...conscious..? The whole time?" Rhys words stumbled from his lips.

" Uh, Yeah. " Jack responded. His tone showing how unamused he was at that situation.

"Oh..." Rhys mumbled, looking down towards the ground. "That's... That wasn't supposed to happen..."

The AI leaned off of the desk and began casually walking around the office - looking around at the various things still littering the....well, everything.

" This is ... decent. I mean, it's nothing too fancy...but ..." he shrugged before looking down at the many boxes, still open with papers only casually thrown back in them. " Did ya tidy up just for me, or is this just how you file away important documents ?" He looked back to Rhys, giving him a playful, smug smirk.

Rhys rolled his eyes. "Neither. Thank you . I was...looking for something."

" For that ?" Jack asked, still smirking as he pointed down to the old Echoeye piece.

Rhys's eyes widened before he shut them for a few seconds with a huff through his nose. Why he still didn't expect Jack to not notice absolutely everything, was beyond him. The man didn't get to where he was just from killing . He was pretty damn intelligent too.

" So ," Jack began again. " Why did you decide to... turn me on?" He smirked again with a wink, knowing it would make Rhys uncomfortable. " Because, obviously you had to go through a few steps...could've stopped at any one of 'em ..."

Rhys rolled his eyes again. He had a feeling this was only the beginning of many eye rolls. "I'm starting to wonder that, myself."

" Ah, come on, Rhysie ..." Rhys narrowed his eyes at the nickname. " Didn't ya miss me ?" Jack's smirk seemed to be permanently placed on his lips.

Rhys walked closer to his desk - avoiding walking through Jack, and sat his coffee mug back down on its surface. "I don't know if that's the word I'd use, Jack. You did try to kill me."

"Yeeeahhhh....and you crashed my space station into the ground. Oh, and sent me to a never ending abyss. " He paused for a moment, giving a small chuckle. Rhys just watched, silently. " You know what's funny though? I spent so long just thinking of all of the ways I could kill you, if I ever got the chance...but eventually, I just got bored of it."

Rhys's brow raised a bit. Curious to see where the blue man was going with this.

" I had plenty of time to think . Fucking pleeeenty of time. I mean, mayyyybe it was wrong of me to try and put a metal skeleton in you. You trusted me, and got me back to Helios. Hell, you did just about everything I asked you to. Not as many of the fun, murderous variety, as you could've...but still. I guess I could' least, used someone else to be my new body." He paused for another moment . "Not that that really matters now though." His tone had darkened a bit with his last sentence.

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