Ch 22: Signed In Blood

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"He's butchering this company." Henderson sighed, looking at his ECHO - sitting in the chair he had pulled over to the front of your desk. "Our profits, and not even including our ratings, have gone down by nearly 40%, and he's only been in charge for six months."

You nodded in agreement.
"I'm doing everything I can, but he has final say. I can't override his tide of bad decisions."

It had become a usual thing over the past few months for Henderson to come in, looking for Hudson, and settle on just sitting and venting with you over your mutual boss. You weren't sure how he'd been able to work under him for so long. He claimed that Hudson didn't used to be as bad as he was now, with all of the power at his fingertips, although he was never easy to work with.

"Yeah. I didn't think he'd be this bad. Too much power, too quickly. I'm glad it wasn't me though. I wouldn't want the job. Too much to deal with." He said, shrugging.

"I already know I could run this place better than him. I'm basically doing it now." You chuckled back in response, earning a slight grin from Henderson.

As usual, your conversation was cut short by Hudson finally making an appearance, and pretending to listen as Henderson pitched him some ideas.

It had been six long months. You hardly saw Emily anymore, you were always too tired to hang out with her after work and Hudson demanded that you had lunch in his office. Maybe it was for the best. She was still her peppy self, you were not anymore. When you did spend time with her, you felt yourself wanting to go home to the quietness. To just be alone to read or work on things.

You sat alone in the office, working on editing a speech that Hudson planned on giving at this years Hyperion ball/party. It was still a month out, but he wanted to have it early in case he wanted to change it a few times.

The doors slid open, and Hudson walked to his desk and sat down on the front of it. You glanced up to see him staring at you.
"Yes Sir?" You asked, setting your pen down.

"Just admiring the view." He smirked back you, adding on a wink.

You looked back down and continued writing. "I'm sure there's better things you could do with your time, like actually working..." You mumbled, but loud enough for him to hear.

"Come here." You glanced over to him. He motioned in front of him, pointing at the floor. "Stand in front of me."

You stood, letting your pen drop on to the desk top. You walked over, and stopped in the general spot he had pointed at. His eyes ran up and down your body, as his lips kept their smug smirk.

"When are you going to give in?" He asked, keeping his smirk, causing your brows to pull together.

"Excuse me?" You asked.

"Oh come on. You're smart, (y/n). You know what I'm talking about. It's been over six months that you've been working for me, and you haven't given into me. It didn't take you this long to hop on Jack, did it?"

Your expression showed a bit of shock at his statement. There was plenty of rumors that you had heard about you and Jack, mostly because of his rare moments of pda (public display of affection) - but not many people actually knew of your romantic relationship with him, or how close the two of you had actually gotten.

Hudson rolled his eyes, holding back a laugh. "Oh please. Everyone knew you and him were screwing. It was heard outside of his office doors plenty of times, by a few people - myself included. Kind of obvious when the CEO's secretary isn't at her desk, and you can hear some girl getting fucked in said CEO's office. Nice noises, by the way. I can't wait to hear you scream my name like you screamed his." The look on his face disgusted you. He seemed proud of his voyeurism, and horribly confident that he'd have you in the same way. "You don't get up this far for having a good conscience, Doll. Think you would've kept your job if you'd have told Ole Jackie 'no' to climbing into bed with him? - I don't. In fact, it'd be surprising if you were ever heard from again."

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