Ch 25: We're Alone Now

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Reader POV

The view outside of the window that overlooked the stars was always calming. The few shuttles and other space vehicles that were constantly docking and launching, at least gave you something ever-changing to focus on.
Most days there wasn't usually all that much "down time" to spend peering out into space. This day definitely hadn't been like most days. The usual work day had ended more than an hour ago, but after the annoyance with Rhys, you decided to hang back a bit longer.
You couldn't get your thoughts to stop coming back to what he'd tried to pass off. An AI of Jack...exactly like him. Was that even possible? You'd known of other AIs. Plenty of them - but even this seemed a bit farfetched.

You knew of Nakayama, and Jack had told you even more about the strange, but brilliant Professor. That the man was completely obsessed with him and probably wouldn't stop at anything to make him immortal. Was that what this possible AI was? An immortal version of Jack. Nakayama's disappearance from Helios had raised some questions, but no one seemed to know where he had gone. It had also been around the same time Jack had died.

"No. It's just a coincidence. He had to be lying. Jack is gone and-" you felt that familiar deep pain in your chest breaking your resolve. You let your eyes squeeze shut as you took in a deep breath - shakily letting it back out again. "Damn it!" You shouted, bringing your hand down hard against the window. Not even the activity out there was keeping your thoughts away this time.
"But what if he wasn't lying?" The little voice in your head kept repeating, keeping your thoughts right where you didn't want them.
You shook your head. "No. No... He didn't want to die, so he used the idea of Jack as leverage. That's... that's all." You spoke aloud. You weren't sure who you were trying to convince. Yourself...or the completely empty room.

You moved away from the window and sat back down in your chair. There were papers and ECHOdevices splayed across it. To this day, you still took on more work than you probably should - but no one could ever say that it wasn't all finished before or on time.
You looked down and began stacking the papers together and sliding them inside of your desk's drawer. Maybe it was best to finish these tomorrow, when you had a clearer head.

The sound of your com opening startled you a bit, causing you to jump. That proved it. Your mind definitely wasn't clear right now.

"Ma'am? I'm sorry for the interruption. I was told that you were still in your office though-"

"What is it? Who am I speaking with?" You cut the other voice off - already annoyed. You didn't recognize his face. Not really surprising though. Helios employs a vast number of people.

"Apologies. This is Sgt. Felmer with security. I'm in charge of the men who escorted the young man to the holding cells."

"Oh. Has Rhys been moved to cybernetics yet? I'd rather not wait for too long for-"

"Pardon my interruption. That's what I was calling about Ma'am. Rhys escaped custody."

Your breath hitched for a moment, and you could feel the anger begin to boil. "What do mean - he escaped?! Who the hell does guy think he is? Where is he now?!" You snapped your questions at the man on the other end. Nostrils flared, brow knitted together.

"We aren't sure. Another patrol apprehended a few of his accomplices though. They also....escaped custody... They had some sort of robot with them. Not Hyperion though."

"Find them then! I want him found immediately. You're lucky I'm not ordering you and your men's asses to be airlocked for losing them all in the first place. Find them. Soon. Or I won't be so generous." Your voice mirrored a growl as you closed out of the call.

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