Ch 33: The End

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The disabling program had worked better than expected. It'd been a week already, and the digistructors were still offline. That didn't mean Maliwan wasn't throwing everything else they had Atlas's way. The Lance was more even matched now, with a larger group now guarding the remaining civilians. It felt as if it was time bomb. Any moment, the digistructors could come back online. The program was always known to be a temporary fix - now it was just waiting on more manpower to drive Maliwan back.


"... I don't know, I still think you need a bigger fish tank . You always loved mine."

"I don't have room for a bigger tank. Plus, I'm hardly in here. I'm always down in my office." You chuckled - looking over at the hologram "lounging" across your bed. This conversation of how much flashier your apartment/suite could be - had been going on for quite awhile.

" Well, I least you went with a nice color combo ." He added, giving a small shrug as he pretended to rest his eyes - folding his arms behind his head.

You glanced around your room. The black and white vertical striped walls - with thin gold lines dividing them, the white marble floor with a large circular, long haired rug in the middle, and the yellow accented furniture that tied it all together. A small fish tank sat on a corner table near the window, with a few imported plants added here and there to add a little green/life to the room. The bedroom opened into the rest of the apartment - that was also decorated in blacks, whites, and golds. It wasn't too flashy, but it looked much wealthier than the previous places you'd lived in. Rhys had whined about it being yellow instead of Atlas colors, but you'd gone with it anyway. You couldn't help that yellow was one of your favorite colors. Maybe working for Hyperion had rubbed off in more ways than a few.

"What can I say? I may not be part of Hyperion anymore, but I guess it's still part of me." You smiled to yourself - noticing Jack's blue lips curve up as well.

" About that ..." Jack sat up, looking at you. "... are you planning on staying with Atlas after all of this, or ...?"

You gave a small shrug with your shoulders. You'd known this topic was going to come up sooner than later.

"I'm really not sure. Atlas is Rhys's baby. I haven't really thought about where else I'd go...but if we can get your body back-"

" When. When we get my body back ." Jack cut in, giving you a sultry smirk.

You let your eyes roll a bit. "Yeah. When we get your body back. What are you going to do?"

" I'm gonna to take back my goddamn company. Probably kill a shitload of people, just because they're all idiots. Ah...It'll feel great to have my hands around someone's throat again ." He let out a dark chuckle. " Then... Get my friggin space station built...again. Wait for a couple years for that to be finished, while I relax on some beach somewhere with your gorgeous little self on my lap ." He bounced his brows as he sent a devilish smirk your way. One you couldn't help but smile back at.

An instant buzz of excitement rushed through you at the thought of getting to feel Jack's skin against yours...and his lips....and those wondrous hands of his.

"Well....I never have gotten to go to any of the aquamarine planets...a beach does sound pretty nice..." you said, smiling back at the blue man.

You did want to go wherever Jack decided to go, even if that meant leaving Atlas...and Rhys behind. Rhys....he really was the only reason that your thoughts were spilt on this topic. You loved Promethea, but it had never felt complete. You already knew that wherever Jack was - you'd have that missing piece again. Even on Pandora, as much as you really hoped he didn't want to stay near there. Although, your mind wasn't completely made up yet. Even if your thoughts were leaning more on the leaving side.

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