Ch 27: Atlas

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  With all of the time you spent in Jack's office, you could probably safely say you had every little detail down to memory by now. Only a few things were ever changed around from time to time. His collection of "trophies" and little things he'd seized, were one of those things. Occasionally, something new would be added, and the other items would be moved around to make room. The small ones, at least. The ones he still liked to look over and see - to have a small reminder of how powerful and awesome he is. Not that he really needed a reminder, but still.

You'd looked at the various little objects before - usually while Jack was busy on a call or video-feed. That being what was happening right now - here you were again...looking at Jack's shelf of weirdly sentimental objects. Nisha's old hat, Tassiter's...goatee, a couple of his favorite guns, and a few other random things. One of which, that purposely stuck out from the others by being framed and lit up for any and all to see, was the deed to the Atlas Corporation.

You had still been on Elpis when you'd heard the news of Atlas declaring bankruptcy, and Hyperion buying them out completely. Fortunately, you'd already decided on joining Hyperion's work force. This had just made that plan even sweeter. Joining a company that showed one of its first major decisions, after moving to a new location, was to completely buy out another, felt exciting. Plus, you were glad you hadn't had your heart set on Atlas - with them being taken over.

You felt big hands wrap around your waist, and Jack's face nuzzle into your neck. His soft, styled hair smelled of the sweetest flowers, mixed with the clean, strong sent of his pomade. His lips pressed soft kisses into your skin as his arms tightened around you. His call had ended on a good note, apparently.

You looked back down at the framed deed in your hands. Recalling a time when you'd had the tiniest makings of a plan to run away and work for Atlas. You'd known they wouldn't hire you at your young age at the time, but you could dream, right?

"I had planned on working for them, ya know?" You said, smiling at the warmth now encasing you.

You felt Jack's face shift a bit to see what you were looking at. He grumbled. "Ehh... Atlas ? Why?" You could practically feel the snarl on his mouth. His lips continued their kisses.

You rolled your eyes with a little chuckle, replacing the deed on to the shelf. "I was going to run away from home and work for them. Probably only as a janitor or something. I don't know. I didn't really plan anything out. I just wanted to get away. Then Helios showed up..."

His arms squeezed a bit as you felt his lips curl against your skin, a low chuckle coming from his chest. "Mhmm...and you changed your mind, huh Babe? Saw how better Hyperion was." His kissing had begun to move up your neck slowly, between every couple of words. He loved flaunting how great his company was, and loved hearing you praise it and him.

"Maybe..." you smiled, letting your head fall back on his chest - opening your neck up to him even more. The way his lips could caress the sensitive skin there was enchanting. Each little kiss placing its own spell on you, undoing you a little more with every one. "I guess you're right though..." Your voice had started to sink into a low purr, still a bit playful.

"Mmm...about what?" Jack asked between slow kisses to your neck and jaw. His hands now massaging their way over your body.

"Hyperion being better. ...You are on top, after all..." Your words had started becoming a bit more breathy by now. Thoughts falling away before they were even complete. It didn't ever take long for Jack's lips and hands to make you completely weak. One of your hands was now wrapped around the back of his neck, threading your fingers through his hair.

Dreams Don't Always Go To Plan (Handsome Jack x Reader) (NEW & REVISED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now