Ch 24: Deal Of A Lifetime

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3rd Person POV

"Senior Vice Janitor Rhys to sector D451 for trash clean up because that is your job now, to clean up trash with your bare hands. " The woman's robotic sounding voice taunted over the loudspeakers of Helios.

Rhys stood between Vaughn and Yvette, glaring off into space.

The three continued talking as they walked down the metal corridors. Yvette's main concern being who was going to buy her lunch, and how bad it would be for them to try and shove Vasquez out of an airlock.

No matter how badly he wanted to, Rhys knew she was right. Henderson had basically told Rhys he'd be getting that promotion. After everything he'd given over to Henderson to show he was in it to win it. Now this happens.

"Damn Vasquez. How did he even find a vault key deal? - Wait! The vault key... " Rhys had been cursing Vazquez in his mind, hardly listening to Vaughn and Yvette talking behind him.

"We steal his deal." Rhys spoke up.

Vaughn immediately seemed excited for the idea, Yvette on the other hand didn't see it going well. It was on Pandora after all, and they'd be stealing from the very corporation they worked for. The one that would surely kill them once they found out, and it was rare for them not to find things out.

"Hold please. Done." Vaughn interjected as the other two began arguing over how they'd even get the money for the deal.

It paid to have friends working in useful areas of Hyperion.

After some convincing, Yvette finally agreed to help as best as she could.

Rhys and Vaughn stood in the loading bay of the moonshot, waiting for Vasquez's car to be digistructed.

To say Vaughn seemed nervous was an understatement. He was pacing, shifting from side to side, checking the time nearly every 4 seconds, he had even handcuffed the case to his wrist - ya know, just in case.

"I can't believe we're really doing this! Gah! Where is the damn car!?"

"Vaughn, Buddy, relax." Rhys attempted to calm his bestfriend with his easy-going, smooth voice . "We have enough time. We'll get down there. Find this place, get the key, and Yvette will get us back up here. Easy."

"Psh. Yeah...right. Easy. You do remember this is Pandora we're going to be hurdling towards in a few minutes, right? I've never even been to Pandora!" Vaughn's voice had become a bit more shrill the more anxious he got.

Just then, the base for the next load for the moonshot turned. The tall machine next to it flittered to life, and began digistructing a slick black and gold car.

"There. See? Hop in." Rhys's tone was much calmer, even if he was a little nervous about this whole deal as well. He had grown used to being the one to calm Vaughn down whenever he'd get anxious. He was good at playing the "cool" guy, even if he was just a nerdy and squishy as his best friend.

The two slid into the leather seats. This car was more manual than the usual vehicles Rhys was used to. He supposed it had to be, to be something that would be able to transverse Pandora.

The car began turning, and was then lifted above a launching shell. Once in place, the hard metal shell latched around the car, leaving the two men in darkness - only illuminated by the glowing controls of the car's dash.

Rhys took in a deep breath. He'd never been shot out of a moonshot before, but he imagined it wouldn't be the most pleasant thing to do. He could see Vaughn's arms tightly wrapped around the case as he stared wide-eyed out of the now covered windshield.

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