Ch 5: A Little Stress Relief

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9:30AM - Opportunity(Temporary)Apartment

You pressed the off button on your alarm as it startled you awake. You had slept like a rock. This bed was far more comfortable than the one in your apartment.

Actually, everything here was better than your apartment. However, for what you could afford, yours was nice enough. After gaining your new position you had gotten a considerable raise, and could probably find a new place, but decided against it. Instead, to use the extra money on other things.

  As you peeked out of your door, you could tell that Jack had already left for his meeting. You decided to take his advice and wander the city. You brushed your hair and let it fall around your shoulders. You decided on wearing something a little more casual for your outing. Shorts, a Hyperion t-shirt and a light jacket. To finish the ensemble, some white sneakers.

You roamed around the city for a about an hour after getting some morning coffee at a little café. As you continued on the exploratory walk, your ECHOband began to ring. You looked down and saw that Jack was calling. You quickly answered.

"Well good morning, Cupcake. I see that you're out. Whatcha doin?" He seemed to be in a good mood. Which was usually not the case after a meeting first thing in the morning. It must have gone well.

"I was just walking around the city - got coffee..." You answered, secretly smiling to yourself.

"Ahh...and what do you think?"

"It's great! I keep forgetting we're still on Pandora." You heard him chuckle, but he seemed a bit distracted. "Are...are we leaving soon?"

"Um...yeah. Go ahead and come back up to get your stuff. We'll head back to Helios."

"Yes Sir, be right there!" You clicked out of the call, and made your way back to the apartment.

Jack was lying back on one of the couches, reading something on an ECHO device. He looked up as you closed the door behind you. You noticed his eyes scan over you. A corner of his lips rose up into a half smile. "Nice outfit. The shoes are a nice touch." You couldn't tell if he was being serious or not, but he didn't sound sarcastic - so you took the compliment with a small smile and went to gather your things.

The two of you took a similar, but smaller shuttle back to Helios. Although this time, it was a private flight. No ogling. No shaky takeoff or landing - just a smooth, quiet, and short trip. Once your feet had touched back on the moonbase, it was back to work. The both of you moved past the crowded docking bays, and fast traveled to Jack's office. You now felt rather under dressed for work. Jack went back to his office to continue on whatever he'd needed to get back for, and you began to catch up on what all you had missed.


With the weekend, you had the next two days off and spent them with Emily.

The next couple of weeks of work had Jack rather irritable at all times. Tediore was still attempting to pull through their lawsuit, and refused to give him a straight answer on his proposal. Eventually, after some major coercion on your part, they agreed to send a representative for a meeting with Jack. That news had brightened his mood, for a day or two, at least.


Two weeks have passed since leaving Opportunity & Pandora. 

  Nearly at the end of the day - a small man with glasses stepped out of the elevator - into your office area. He grumbled something about Helios being too damn big, and confusing. You stood up from your chair, and greeted him in your customary service tone. He was most definitely late, but the fact that he'd shown up at all was a good sign.

Dreams Don't Always Go To Plan (Handsome Jack x Reader) (NEW & REVISED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now