Ch 2: Unexpected Change

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5:30AM - Helios Apartment

Your alarm startled you as it began to sound. Your brain wasn't used to waking up quite this early, but you knew you would need extra time today. You fumbled around until you hit the 'off' button on the holographic screen. Immediately, nerves flooded your stomach. Hundreds of butterflies swarmed inside of you, but instead of just fluttering around peacefully - they began crashing into the walls of your abdomen.
Today was the day. A mix of excitement and dread took over all other emotions. After about 6 minutes of staring off into the darkness of your room - lost in your thoughts, you came back to reality. "Shit.." You cursed at yourself for getting lost in your own mind again. You stepped out of bed and promptly tripped as your leg, unnoticed by you, had wrapped its self in your comforter. After smacking your face into your carpet first thing in the morning - you realized today probably wasn't going to be the best day you've had. "Lovely. Just what I needed - a bruised face and nerves made of paper."

You quickly walked to your bathroom, and stepped into the shower after undressing. The cool water helped you relax a bit. After a few minutes of washing all of the soap from your body, you stepped out and wrapped a towel around yourself. Grabbing your toothbrush, you shoved it under your paste dispenser and began brushing away the night's plaque.

Looking over at the time, you rushed to your room and changed into the day's outfit you'd picked the night before. Your hair still damp, and face void of any makeup - you let out a sigh. You had hoped to show up fairly early to your new floor on Helios.

Quickly you dried your hair and placed it in its usual bun with wisps. Your makeup routine went as usual, and by the time you were finished with everything the clock read 6:24am. You pulled on your stockings and heels, grabbed your bag, and pre-made lunch. Your door locked behind you as you hurriedly walked toward the tram to take you out of the residential area. You couldn't keep your eyes from checking the clock every time you made it to another tram or elevator. Being late on your first day would probably get you killed.

Several nicely dressed people got on and off of the elevator on different floors, and eventually you were left all alone - going up and up. It almost made it worse that you were alone now. With people bustling all around, you had other things to focus on. After making it through the Hub of Heroism, you finally entered the elevator that would take you to Handsome Jack's office. After what seemed like much longer than a minute, the elevator stopped and beeped as it opened. Outside of the open doors a nicely sized open room appeared.

The walls were tall and adorned with yellow. Warm, bright light filled the area, almost mimicking sunlight. A couple of pristine, white couches lay to your left with matching end tables around them. A small fountain was centered on the wall, and nearly went all the way up the to the tall ceiling. A few plants were placed in the corners on either side. It was definitely nicely decorated.

In the far corner of the right side of the room was a large L shaped desk with a couple of wall length shelves behind it. A CL4P-TP unit stood behind it, not seeming to notice your presence just yet. Next to the desk area on the far right wall was a nicely sized window. From where you still stood, at the elevator, you could see the stars, but not much else. To the left of the desk was a large archway that connected to a hallway. A large set of double doors could be seen at the end. "That must be his office..." you thought to yourself.

Dim lights were placed every few feet on both sides of hallway's walls - illuminating every other panel of what appeared to be closed-off windows. A security measure, maybe? The leading lights almost seemed to be beckoning towards the lit up doors at the end. You took a step forward, towards the desk in the corner. The CL4P-TP sprang into action as soon as it noticed you.
"Gooooood morning, Miss! I am a CL4P-TP unit - employed by The Hyperion Corporation, and currently designated with the task of being Handsome Jack's temporary assistant! That is, until I will surely be replaced by someone much more capable than I! How can I help you today?" The little robots always seemed so eager, and it brought a small smile to your face. You walked over to the desk, taking in a deep breath.

Dreams Don't Always Go To Plan (Handsome Jack x Reader) (NEW & REVISED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now