Ch 17: Vault Hunters

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*Reader POV*

You could feel your head pounding along with an awful ache in your neck. Slowly, you peeled your eyes open. Your head hung down from your sitting position. You were in an old, semi rusted, metal room. A light shined down above you - dimly illuminating the room. Sunlight peeked in through a few small holes and cracks - allowing streams of light to draw your gaze to the many dust particles in the air. must still be on Pandora, at least.

An attempted deep breath in brought you to notice the leather straps, tightly binding you to a chair. Your hands were pulled behind you - knotted together at the wrists, along with your ankles - bound to the two front chair legs.

Bandits ? You began questioning your thoughts. Had you been kidnapped by bandits? They hadn't looked like the usual bandits you had seen. -- Then it clicked. The armored guard had mentioned a Vault Hunter being sighted. The Vault Hunters had taken you? Why? One had said that someone had questions for you. You could figure those questions would pertain to Jack, however, you weren't planning on being forthcoming with any information.

You heard something move behind you, followed by a shuffle of feet. You turned your head as far back as you could - attempting to catch sight of your captor. The only thing in your line of sight was a table behind you - with your ECHOband lying on its surface.

"Hey-hey, you're awake. Guess I may have gave you a little too much." The large muscled man stepped into view. His chest bouning as he laughed to himself. He walked around the side of your chair, and leaned on the wall in front of you. Your eyes narrowed in on him. Sure enough, he was the one who'd hauled you over his broad shoulder. Rather roughly, at that. He laughed again, a grin spreading on his scarred face. "You got some daggers! If only looks could kill, huh?"

Closing into a further glare, your eyes remained on his. "I assume that you're not going to tell me where I am - so I'll just ask this. Why am I here?" You asked with a sharp tone. "You said you had questions. Ask them."

The man shook his head, as his arms crossed against his chest. One leg was bent behind himself, propping him up against the rust spotted wall. "Not me. I'm just the muscle of this little outfit."

"And what "little outfit" is that?" You sneered.

The man stood a little straighter - puffing his chest out, as if he were actually proud of whatever these Vault Hunters were calling themselves. "The Crimso-"

As he was boastfully proclaiming the title of their group, he was interrupted by a door opening behind you. You watched as sunlight poured into the room, before disappearing again as the door closed. "Well, well... look who's finally awake." A soft, slightly raspy male voice spoke from behind you. "She's a small thing, Brick. You gotta watch how much you give em' Pendejo." The slender man walked around you, and stood in the corner, arms crossing as he leaned into the wall with his shoulder. He looked over to you. At least, you figured he couldn't really tell due to the goggles he was wearing. "So. This is Jack's assistant. Helps him with all his stuff, knows his secrets, and could probably tell us everything we wanna know." His words were sing-songy. You glared in return.

Again, the door opened behind you.

A woman's voice spoke up, as she walked around to the front of you. "She's not just his secretary." A red headed woman came into view as she stepped in front of you. Your eyes fell to blue tattoos, wrapping around her left arm. Her hand came to rest on her hip as she stopped. An annoyingly smug smirk across her lips. "..She's also his lover."  You glared. This had to be her. Lilith. The amount of attitude that oozed out of her was a dead giveaway. It instantly irritated you. "Sup?" She asked sarcastically, smirking down at you.

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