Ch 12: Dinner Date

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6:12pm - Your Apartment

You glanced at the time. Still no message from Jack. He did say around 5, so, you didn't let it worry you too much. A tiny thought popped into your mind, however. "What if he doesn't message at all? Or what if he forgot? -- He hardly ever forgets things.. " You shook the thoughts from your head. He was busy on Pandora, these things probably take some time.

About 20 more minutes went by. You could feel yourself leaning more towards your negative thoughts.

Your ECHO then began ringing. Jack's name displayed across its screen. Your face lit up, as you quickly answered.

"Hello?" you answered optimistically.

"Hey Pumpkin! I'm sorry I'm late. Pandora friggin' sucks - Then I had to get dinner goin', and this and that... Anyway, I'm in your office now though, if you'd like to come meet me?"

Your cheeks began to burn as you smiled. You tried to respond coolly, as if you hadn't been watching every minute after 5pm pass by. "Yeah, I'll head there!"

"M'kay babe, I'll see you soon"

The call ended as you stood up. Doing a little happy dance as you slipped your shoes back on, you rolled your eyes at your rather high level of excitement. "Ugh...stop acting like a damn teenager, (y/n)" you told yourself - regaining your composure. You spritzed yourself with some added perfume, and headed out to the fast travel station.

You pixelated inside of your office. Sure enough, Jack was lounging on one of the couches - laid back, and looking cozy enough to doze off. You imagined spending the day on Pandora could be quite tiresome, at the very least. Glancing over - he slid to his feet as you took a further step into the room.

His lips wore a handsome smirk as he strode over to you. You noticed his eyes look you up and down. "Well hey there, Gorgeous," you smiled, blushing a little. This was new, it wasn't some lust driven activity in his office. It was an actual planned occasion. Dinner, with Jack, at his place. "Ready to head out?" He asked - You nodded. He stepped over to the travel pad. "I have a fast travel station outside my door, so we won't have to walk." Yet again, you were silently amazed at the power he held over this entire place. Anything he wanted could be at his fingertips in a moments notice. To have that kind of power...

  He began typing in a code. One you could imagine that only he knew. He held his hand out, and you stepped onto the pad, taking it in your fingertips. He pressed 'enter' and you felt the familiar pull of being pixelized.

You opened your eyes to a small room that looked about the same as the rest of Helios. It had large metal sliding door on the wall to your right, that indicated it was locked. It looked to be only the way to get here besides using the fast travel station. To your left was another metal door, also locked. This one seemed to open sideways - splitting down the middle.

"Okay. Step right here, Pumpkin." Jack motioned next to him, near the door. You walked over, and stood. A scanning light appeared - slowly passing over the two of you, before retracting into the wall.

>Welcome home, Handsome<. A sultry, robotic female voice played as the doors near you slid apart. You chuckled to yourself a little at the greeting.

Jack motioned for you to go first, following behind you. You stepped through the doors, only to be greeted by luxury. The room before you was large and open. The walls were tall and metal - adorned with various blacks, golds, and yellows. A nicely sized, modern black chandelier hung in the middle of the room - its lights glistening on the crystals dangling from it. Large windows that looked out over Pandora, went floor to ceiling along the back wall. Heavy-duty privacy/emergency shutters hung slightly lowered, and affixed from the ceiling. They would lower from the ceiling - concealing the apartment in complete privacy. Which made sense, with who this apartment belonged to. Though, you doubted the windows were able to be looked in on from the outside with the naked eye.

Dreams Don't Always Go To Plan (Handsome Jack x Reader) (NEW & REVISED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now