Ch 20: Dreams Don't Always Go To Plan

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You looked up from your computer as you heard the elevator doors open. You were greeted with a smirking wink as Hudson strolled in, two other men behind him. You didn't recognize one of them. He looked young enough in the face, but a bit older than you. He had dark hair that looked to be balding or maybe growing in? You couldn't tell which. The other, was a man named Henderson. He worked under Hudson, but wasn't near as annoying. He stuck to his business, and didn't creep you out with flirtation. So he was good in your book.
They both stood quietly behind as Hudson leaned his elbow on your desk.
"Well good afternoon, Gorgeous. Jack in?"

You arched your brow, showing your lack of amusement to his 'compliment'. "Yes, he is. Would you like me to ask if he'll see you?" You tried to keep your tone as polite as possible.

"That'd be great, Sweet-cheeks." His smirk annoyed you. You held back a sneer.
Almost every time that Jack wasn't around, Hudson would put on this irritating suave act. Calling you pet names, eyeballing you, or winking at you. You knew Jack would space him if he found out, so you just dealt with it. It wasn't hurting anyone, it was just annoying. You did find it fun to show him how uninterested in him you were. His look of annoyed defeat was almost worth his flirtations.

You opened the ECHO-com to Jack. "Hudson, Henderson, and..." you looked over to the other man.

"Vasquez. Uh, Hugo Vasquez." The other man spoke up, noticing your pause.

"Hudson, Henderson, and Hugo Vasquez are here to see you."

Jack knew you didn't care much for Hudson. You never told him exactly why, just that he irritated you.
You noticed him chuckle a little. "Alright, send 'em in. Oh, and I'll have those papers for you in a couple minutes."

"Alrighty. I'll be in in a few." You closed the com and looked back to Hudson. He was still leaning on your desk's upper portion. Henderson began walking down the hallway. You arched your brow at Hudson. "You can go in now." You couldn't really hide the annoyance in your tone.

He gave you a smirk and pushed up from his lean. "Come on, Hugo." He motioned to the hallway, walking away. You noticed the other man glance over at you before following.

You rolled your eyes and took in a deep breath - waiting for a few minutes before going to Jack's office as well. You knew he found it humorous to watch you and Hudson butt heads over ideas or decisions. Hudson wanted so badly to be just like Jack. Well, mostly everyone in Hyperion did. He however, fell short in your eyes. He had the asshole persona down, but you didn't imagine he'd do well with full control, at least not for long. He was all bark and no bite.

You stepped into Jack's office to hear him laughing, leaning against the front of his desk. The other man, Hugo, was rubbing his upper arm. Hudson caught sight of you. and watched with a leering smirk as you walked up the stairs. Gaining a smack to the side of the head from Jack. "Ay. Watch yourself, Champ." You couldn't help but snicker to yourself. "Anyway, continue."

You walked around the desk and stood to the side. Hudson cleared his throat and began speaking. "Well, I've got a couple good choices. Hugo was recommended. He works hard. The other guy is a techy. Some half-cybernetic kid-"

Jack chuckled, cutting Hudson off with his hand. "Yeah, I know Wallethead. You're still in the mailroom?"

The other man shook his head, "No sir, I'm now working a ways under Henderson. I uh..I hope to move up from that soon though."

"Yeah... I bet you do. Doesn't everyone?" Jack chuckled again. "Well it's not really a big deal to me, Hudson. Give it some time and see which one is more impressive. Which one can do more for the company. At least Wallethead came to this little...meeting. What was the other guy's name?"

Dreams Don't Always Go To Plan (Handsome Jack x Reader) (NEW & REVISED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now