Ch 15: Time Pass

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[Time Pass - A Few Months]

You had grown even closer to Jack in the last 3 or so months. You frequently stayed at his place on the weekends, and usually kept a bag there with your toothbrush, and other essentials. You slept better in his big, comfy bed - wrapped in his arms. Unmistakably so. He had also gotten used to not always wearing his mask around you, which you enjoyed.
He had given you a new, and improved ECHOband. Since yours seemed to be shutting off by itself here and there.
Emily had also continued seeing the same guy. Apparently things were going well with him. Which was good, because she had been spending time with with him while you spent time with Jack.

Company meetings began happening more often with a couple of the rival companies. You were usually in the boardroom, attending the meetings as well. Taking notes, and watching the ways the men talked - picking up on subtle things. The way they looked when holding their "cards" close, or how bold they would get when they knew something the others didn't. You had grown to read them easily. Allowing decisions for Hyperion's future to be much easier to help make. Surprisingly, things were going well with them. It was mostly just ways to help everyone profit from the best selling strategies. There still wasn't much trust between any of them, but so far it was working well enough. Sells for Jack's line of new Tediore guns had risen, bringing in a steady flow of profit from the lower class budgets.

There had only ever been one person to comment on your attendance. It didn't go very well for him.

Everyone had arrived to the meeting. Jack had sat down at the head of the large table, next to you and Hudson, a man who had worked his way up to being right under Jack. Well, as close to that level as you could be. He was another one who worshiped Jack's every move. He'd be him if could. He wanted everything Jack had. You didn't care for him much, since he always seemed to be begging for Jack's attention. It got annoying. Some of the ideas he'd propose weren't bad, though you were't so sure they were really his. However, he played the roll of a good business man. You didn't like the way he looked at you though. Sometimes it was like he was undressing you with his eyes, other times, usually when Jack would agree with you over him, it looked like he wanted to push you out of an airlock. When he'd catch you alone in the hallway or at your desk, he'd shamelessly flirt with you before resuming his 'I'm better than you' demeanor.  

*Back to the meeting*
The man cleared his throat, calling Jack's attention to him. "My apologies, Jack...but who is the young woman?" Motioning to you, instead of asking you, yourself.

Jack's brow raised. "Uh...Her name is (y/n), and she happens to be my assistant."

"Assistant? Does that actually give her a valid reason for attending these meetings?" His condescending tone irritated you instantly.

You noticed Jack's eyes narrow. "Trust me, she deserves to be in here far more than your ass does. She knows the ins and outs of Hyperion, and is very helpful with everything these annoying-ass meetings cover. Patronize her again, and you won't leave this room alive."

You kept your gaze on the man, noticing him shift uncomfortably.
The meeting began. Eventually, a technical topic was brought up causing you to comment. Jack agreed, saying that you made a good point.

"I hardly believe you have enough knowledge on the subject for your comment to be worth while." The same man spoke up, looking directly at you.

Jack's chair fell backwards as he stood. Causing nearly everyone, including you, to jump. He walked over to the man, grabbing his chair, and yanking him back. The chair and the man fell to the floor. You quickly stood, watching as Jack grabbed the man by his collar and drug him to the window - slamming him against it. The man's hands had risen in surrender, and he was pleading with Jack to let him go. The smile on Jack's face told you that wasn't going to happen. "And here I thought this meeting was gonna be boring. What did I say, Champ?" -His gold and black Hyperion pistol came to rest under the mans chin. The man began frantically begging for his life. A loud bang silenced the room. The man fell to the floor as Jack let go, turning to face the room. "Anyone else wanna piss me off?" The room stayed deathly quiet. Jack whistled, pointing a random man at the table. The frightened man instantly jumped, his eyes wide. "Go get someone to clean this up.... Now, Moron!" He walked back over to his chair, picked it back up and sat down. "Alright then. Continue."

Every morning Jack would pull you into his lap while he sat in his big chair, or set you on top of his desk, and talk with or kiss you until one of you, usually you, decided it was time to start working for the day. Sometimes they were deep, passionate kisses - other times they were light and sweet. Both, of course made you want to never stop.

One day, Jack had asked if you wanted to go to Pandora with him the following weekend. Just to 'have some fun' as he put it. You, of course agreed, even if it was Pandora.

The two of you began spending some weekends on Pandora - with him showing you all sorts of things to do there. Racing each other in runners through the sands and hills, and the roads of the highlands. Avoiding bandits and all of the other native things trying to kill you. You'd spend the nights in Opportunity, safe and sound, wrapped in Jack's arms.
Some days he'd go out to work on business, or to check the drilling project he was working on.
He even began teaching you how to shoot various guns. Starting with stand-still targets, and slowly moving up to living targets - such as spider ants, varkids, and eventually even a bandit here and there. He wanted you to know how to protect yourself while on this planet.

It was Pandora after all, and it was only a matter of time before you two had come up against a small group of bandits. Recognizing Jack, and believing the two of you as easy prey, they attacked.
Your hands had shaken, your finger hesitating on the trigger of your pistol. Jack had killed the other two with ease, laughing at how pathetic they were. The third, now unarmed, cowered on the ground in front of you, your gun pointed at his head. Jack stood back, watching to see what you would do.
You had felt no compassion, nor sympathy for the bandit. He had attacked you, without any reason. He had planned on killing you, and if not you...then the next poor soul that crossed their path.
You took a deep breath in, tightening your finger on the trigger. A loud bang - and the lifeless body slumped over.
"That's a pretty little smirk you have there, Cupcake." Jack mused as he walked over to you. You hadn't even realized you were smiling, but it had felt...good. One less bandit.

You were a little nervous the day that Jack brought you to a ledge overlooking a small bandit camp, and handed you a sniper. You had grown used to the gun, and were actually a pretty good shot - but you had never used it to help take down an entire camp.
Your nerves quickly turned into thrilling satisfaction after lining up perfect headshots on unsuspecting bandits, and watching as the others around them would scurry around looking for the shooter. Jack always seemed to enjoy your excitement even going as far as being slightly aroused at your killing skill. You couldn't deny that the thrill did get the blood pumping.

You definitely weren't the same shy girl you were when you had first met him, but you liked this new you. People didn't walk all over you anymore. Hell..even Hudson, admired you at times. Even if he did hate that Jack took your opinions and ideas into more consideration than his. You also weren't afraid of almost everything like you had been. You felt stronger now.
Jack had shown you things you could've never imagined seeing or learning.

You had gained knowledge on many things about running a company, surviving on Pandora (if you had to), Vaults, and about so many things you had never even heard of. All while being wrapped in his affections and his spoils.

Life was going well...for now.

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