Ch 13: Making Up For Interrupted Times

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Jack pushed the door open. Taking a few steps into the room - he tossed you onto his bed. It smelled wonderfully like him. You took in a deep breath as you felt him lean over you. He pressed his lips to yours with such dominance. An abundance of passion in his kiss.

He held himself up on his arms, but you wanted him closer. You wrapped your arms around his neck and shoulders, pulling him down to you more as you lied back on his bed. You heard him chuckle a little through the kissing. Then he was on his knees, straddling your smaller frame. He leaned back, looking down at you. An extremely attractive, seductive smirk played across his masked lips.
You brought your hands up, and began inching the hem of his shirt up. He raised his brow at you, his smirk growing. "Impatient aren't we?" He grinned, showing off his canines. -Mmph- That damn smile.

You couldn't hide the devious grin that brought itself to your lips. He seemed to enjoy it. He sat up, still straddling you, keeping you in place. He pulled his shirt up, over his head, revealing his muscled torso. You couldn't resist taking as much of him in as you could. Your eyes slowly traveled over his bare skin. You bit your bottom lip instinctually as your smile grew.
You noticed his eyes lock on to your lips. He took a deep breath in as his lips further curved into his signature smirk. Had you just found out something? 'Lip biting..hmm.' you thought to yourself, as you watched him lick his own lips.
He leaned down pulling your arms above your head, and holding them there as he pressed his lips into yours. You let out a small gasp, and he took the opportunity to gain entrance with his tongue. You met it with yours, and the two began wrapping around each other, exploring the other. You loved the way he tasted. You could hear both of you breathing heavily, only letting up for quick breaths here and there.
He kept your lips locked with his as he wrapped his arms around you, flipping the two of you over so that you were now lying on top of him. You felt his hands move up and began pulling the jacket off of your shoulders. You obliged by breaking the kiss and sitting up, now straddling him. You pulled the jacket off and tossed it over on to the floor. Before he could, you began rising your shirt, pulling it above your head and tossing it to the side as well.
He began eying your nearly naked torso, only covered by your lacy black bra. He wore a delicious smirk as his hands came up to cup your breasts. He leaned up and began kissing your neck as his hands wrapped around your back. In one swift motion, he effortlessly unhooked your bra. His fingers promptly began pulling the straps down your arms, before pulling it off completely, and letting it fall beside the bed.
He pulled you up a bit as he lowered his head, and began teasing your hardened nipples with his mouth. The warm sensation of his tongue dancing with your sensitive skin sent tingles down your body, causing your back to arch. 
He left your breasts and looked at you with a devilish grin, you couldn't help but smile back. Every time - looking into his multicolored eyes, you'd began to lose yourself in them.

He flipped you again, laying you down on the bed as he stood. His fingers found the buttons of your pants and began slowly undoing them. Teasingly slow. You could feel your body began aching for him. Finally, he slowly pulled them down and completely off. He placed his fingers against your throbbing sex - still covered by your underwear. "You're wet, Princess. I can feel it already." His eyelids were heavy, and his lips curved into a seductive smile. He slid his finger under the cloth and pushed into you. You let out a gasp at the sudden feeling.
More - you wanted more.
You rose your hips up to him, pushing his finger completely inside. Letting out a small moan. He smiled at this - sliding his finger out, and pulling your underwear off - tossing them somewhere behind him.
You didn't really care where, you'd find them later.
He returned his fingers, but didn't insert them this time. He slowly began rubbing up and down against your wetness, pressing against your throbbing button with his thumb. The smile on his lips gave away how much he was enjoying teasing you, dragging the feeling out and making you long for him. Your hips rose to his every touch - while you let out soft moans. Beckoning for him to keep going.
Slowly he put a finger back inside - even more slowly pulling it back out, and returning with two fingers. You moaned at the deep feeling of his fingers rubbing up against your sensitive walls. Your eyes fell closed, fully enjoying the way he felt inside of you. Wrapped around the blanket under you, your hands gripped as the throbs of pleasure rolled through you.
Your eyes flew open as you felt the wetness of his tongue against your clit. You tilted your head up to see him smiling at you, now kneeling with his face between your legs. "I can't have you laid out for me like this and not taste you, Princess." He kept eye contact as his tongue returned, and began slowly licking and circling around your bundle of nerves, purposely not touching it. His fingers continued sliding in and out, slowly. You let your head fall back to the bed - your eyes pulling shut on their own.
You could feel your pelvis twitching, aching for him to quit teasing, but then loved it. Glorious amounts of pressure built up behind his teasing ministrations.
His hands came up to your hips, holding them down as his tongue moved to your throbbing clitoris. You let out hushed moans as he alternated between little flicks and full, slow licks, fully immersing you in complete pleasure. The feeling of his fingers working in unison with his warm tongue began to build your climax. You could feel yourself tightening around his fingers, becoming more and more wet for him. It began slowly, then quickly building. Rising from your pelvis and burning deep in your abdomen. You let out a high pitched moan as your climax crashed over you. Your legs went rigid as your back arched away from the sheets. You felt Jack rise your leg up over his shoulder, plunging his tongue inside you as he held your hips down. Your entire body convulsed with tingles of ecstasy. Slowly you began to regain control. You felt your hands loosen their grip on the pillow above you. You hadn't even realized you'd found a pillow to grab on to.
Jack let your leg down and slowly stood, wiping his mouth off with the back of his hand, and rolling his tongue over his lips.
You watched him as you refocused on breathing. You had forgotten how to for a moment there. - God. He looked gorgeous. His hair was slightly messy, his tongue slowly dancing across his lips, shirtless - showing off his thick muscles, and slightly hairy chest, and his eyes...piercing into you. "You come easily, Kitten" he chuckled, admiring your naked frame lying on his bed.
You smiled, "Or you're just really good at that." He smiled back, his canines appearing again. You felt your heart flutter. Every damn time.

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