Ch 18: A Familiar Voice

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Your eyes lit up at the growling voice coming from Lilith's ECHO. You noticed the other three's eyes widen as they recognized it as well.

"How did he-" The smaller man began to speak before being 'shh'd' by Lilith.

You heard Jack dryly chuckle.
"Oh, how did he find us? Oh nooo! We're all gonna' die now - Wahhh..." Jack mocked the group with a playfully whiney voice, before he gave into his own laughter. "Ahh... You know that ECHOband you probably took off of her? Turned it off so that she couldn't be tracked? Well, it's a brand new Hyperion model, kiddos. Has a power source in it that can keep its tracker going for weeks! Led me right to ya, Assholes. Took a bit. It's signal was jammed for quite a few hours, but then it just 'poof!' showed up again! Ha! Did you friggin' idiots turn off your jamming signal? Haha! Well, thanks for the help!"
You watched as the group exchanged mortified glances.
"So, unless you want that shitty little town to be leveled to the ground. Oh, and every sucker in it to die. You'll let her walk out, and one of my bots will bring her back to me."

"You're bluffing." Lilith spoke, her tone was no longer amused and smug.

"Is that you, Lilith? I figured it would be. Oh, it is so great to hear your voice. God, I just can not wait to slowly choke the life out of you. It's gonna be fun. We'll make a day out of it!"

"You'd destroy this town with her in it?" Lilith questioned, quickly weighing their options in her head.

"Oh you see, I won't have to. That little tracker shows me exactly where she is. Well, within a few feet. It'll be the only place that's left untouched - and if you decide to play games, and move the tracker away from her, and she does die? I'll bomb the entire place until it all crumbles into the water below."

"Lil, there's innocent people here-" Brick spoke up, stepping closer to her.

The other man chimed in "Yeah, the only reason we did this here was because we thought he wouldn't suspect it...or find us!"

"I know, damnit!" Lilith snapped back at the two. Starring down at the ground - she fell quiet - her brow knitted.

"Tick-toc-tick-toc." Jack taunted mockingly. "You know I'm not always a patient man, Lilith. Better decide quickly."

You stayed quiet as to not possibly earn another jarring slap from Brick. You weren't sure what these vault hunters were going to do. Would they let whatever 'little town' you were in be brought to ruins just to go against Jack? You wouldn't be surprised, honestly.
You stared, with narrowed eyes, at Lilith. She had begun pacing again. Still clutching the ECHOdevice with white knuckles. The two men stood back, watching her, waiting along with you for her decision.

"Uh..Lilith?" The smaller man spoke up.

"I know. I know. I'm thinking!" She snapped again.

All of a sudden the sound of a far off cannon and something whooshing through the air broke the quiet outside, followed by an extremely loud explosion that shook the ground, causing the metal room you were in to shake. The three vault hunters looked appropriately startled. You could hear some commotion beginning outside.

"There's one! Woo! This is gonna be fun!" You heard Jack's voice come over the ECHO again. "Dont'cha just love Moonshots?"

You watched as Lilith snappily paced - tossing her ECHO onto the table behind you. Her fingers threaded through her hair, tugging at it as she grumbled. She was trying to think, and quickly. "We can't just let her walk out of here. This would all be for nothing. We need to know what she knows!" She growled out loud, speaking to her two men.

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