Ch 10: Seeing Double

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7:13AM - Your Office

You had been moving a little slower this morning, and were honestly surprised that you hadn't gotten three or more calls/messages from Jack asking just where the hell you were and why you're late. You brushed it off.

You walked into Jack's office to bring him his daily coffee. He was sitting at his desk, watching something on his ECHO. He didn't seem to notice you enter. Odd.
You sat his cup on top of his desk, making him jump a little as the noise startled him. He looked up at you, you noticed his eyes widen, and blink a couple of times. You had decided to leave your hair down today - maybe he was a bit surprised by it not being pulled up? He turned his echo off and sat it down. "Um...thank you... babe.." he seemed off. You gave him an odd look. He looked down, and took a sip of his coffee. "Oh. God! That's hot!" He quickly sat the cup back on his desk, and dabbed at the small bit that fell from his mouth onto his pants.
"Okay. Now that's weird. He never immediately drinks from it. He knows it's hot. That's how he likes it.." you thought to yourself as you raised a brow at him. He looked back up at you and then shifted his eyes around.
"Um...sorry. That was uh, hot. Didn't think of that... *ahem* Um..can I help you? Cupcake..?"

Your brow raised even further. "What the hell is his problem?' You cleared your throat. "Yes...Sir. It's the first day of the week? We usually discuss what the week's plans are..."

"Ah. Right, I know that. Duh." He looked around, and seemed to be looking for something. " don't really have anything right now though. So you can...just...go do your regular job, 'kay...Sweety?" His voice slightly condescending, very much unlike how he usually talks to you.

"Sweety?" Your eyes narrowed. You couldn't remember the last time he had called you sweety...if ever. His eyes widened a bit.

"Um...Sweetheart?" His brow raised a bit. He looked unsure of what to call you.

"Are you being serious? You're acting weird." Your eyes still narrowed at him. He really was going to act odd around you now. "Look. I realize it may have only been a one time thing the other night, but there is no reason to act all weird around me now. I'm still your assistant, I'm kind of contractually obligated to not be weird about this. You could at least try to not make it more awkward." You were a bit surprised at the sharp tone of your voice.

His eyes widened, and looked around like he was trying to think. "One time thi-? look...I really shouldn't be telling you this but... seeing as you and Ja-...Uh, I mean.. I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but I have a feeling that whatever you're referring to shouldn't be talked about I' I'm not Jack. I mean, I am. Kind of... I'm his body double." He gave a small reassuring smile.

Your eyes felt like they could fall out of your head. You stared at the man in front of you. It made sense. This man definitely didn't have Jack's confidence and attitude. He may have looked and sounded identical, but it stopped there. You slowly sat down in the chair in front of the desk. You couldn't help but study the mans face. He even wore a mask. His eyes were the same, at least very close, close enough not to see a difference. Same hair, same body shape. You could tell he was a bit uncomfortable with your staring. You shook your head a little to re-align your thoughts. "I'm's just really odd seeing his face...but not with his...personality."

The man laughed a little. "Trust me, I know. I'm not really anything like him. I mean, I've grown to be a little more so, over the years, but..." The man faded off, rubbing at his neck.

"How long have you been his body double?"

"Ehh...about 6 or 7 years." He shrugged.

"What about the mask? Is your face underneath the sam-"

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