Ch 16: Wildlife Preserve

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"I'm heading down to my Wildlife Preservation. Wanna come?" Jack asked, leaning on the wall in front of your desk.

You looked up after finishing typing out a word.
"For what? You hardly ever go down there in person."

"Yeah, I got asked to come look at some progress updates. Shouldn't be down there too long."

"Sure. I haven't gotten to see the facility yet anyway."

After landing the private shuttle at the facility - the doors opened allowing access to the sprawling Wildlife Reserve. You had heard, and read plenty of things about the studies and experiments going on here. A head scientist had asked Jack to come, in person, to check up on a special experiment involving some elemental properties.

You walked with the two men as the scientist talked, and presented various advancements or set backs. A lot of it was pretty impressive.
After a little over an hour, an armored guard came running over to the three of you.
"Sir. I was told to relay that a sniper has been spotted outside of the facility. We believe it's one of the Vault Hunters. The one with the bird. We lost sight of him though."

"Bird, huh? Greeeeaaaat. That's what I wanted to deal with today." Jack rolled his eyes.

The scientist then spoke up. "I doubt it's a real threat. If you're worried, we can finish this some other time...or the lady can leave.. Err- to ensure her safety. I haven't showed you the elemental experiment you've been waiting for though... it's just about ready now." You noticed his voice was slightly shaken. Not uncommon for people around Jack, but his tone had changed. Maybe he was worried about the sniper?

Jack turned to you. "Go ahead, and head back to the shuttle. Take it back to Helios. I'll head back soon, after I finish up going over the experiments. I'd rather you weren't here with one of those bandits nearby."

You wanted to protest. You didn't care for the idea of him staying around with a possible threat lurking. The facility was very well guarded, even more so around Jack, but you still worried. You glanced over to the scientist. He seemed to be fidgeting with something in the pockets of his lab coat. He definitely looked nervous.

You left the area, and began briskly making your way back to the shuttle landing area. You noticed the lack of guards, but didn't think too much about it Maybe they'd been scrambled due to the possible threat. - Finally you rounded the corner into the long hallway leading to the check-in desk area you had first walked past when arriving. From afar you noticed the loaderbot that had greeted you was leaning over in an odd position. As you got closer, you noticed bullet holes. You stepped closer, coming out of the hallway. Immediately, your peripheral vision caught sight of two figures to your right. You spun on your heels, facing them. They didn't look Hyperion.
A tall, very large, muscled man with scars on his arms, and a scrawny man with dreadlocks pulled behind his head, stood in the doorway leading to the outer shuttle bay.
"Well, hello little lady." The large one spoke, his voice was deep and loud even at a normal volume.
Your eyes scanned over them, noticing both were carrying guns.

"What do you want?" You spoke up firmly.

The smaller man chuckled a little. "Well, if the scans are're exactly who we're looking for."
Your eyes widened. You felt your hand begin to reach towards your ECHOband. Instantly the smaller man had his gun aimed at you.
"Ah ah.. I wouldn't try that if I were you, Chica. You make one move or sound, and I pull this trigger." You lowered your hands. "Alright now, my friend Brick here is going to give you a little sedative, and you're going to come with us. Someone's got some questions for you."

"I'm not going anywhere with you." You snapped, glaring at the two men.

"You don't really got a choice." The large man spoke, walking closer to you. He towered over you. You realized running wasn't really an option. You'd either get a bullet or tackled by a human tank. You stayed still. Real fear began creeping its way through you. The man pulled out a small syringe and grabbed your arm - jabbing it in. You gasped, flinching at the sudden prick of pain. Your sight instantly began to blur. The vision from each eye began overlapping the other before completely fading to dark. You felt your limp body be heaved over a shoulder, and then nothing. Everything went dark, and quiet.


*Third Person POV*

Jack continued on with the scientist for awhile longer. After being shown what he had come to see initially, he pulled out his ECHO to have his shuttle brought back down.
Odd. It indicated that it was still at the facility. Something was wrong. Immediately, Jack sent a message to (y/n)'s ECHO.

>Unable To Deliver

He turned around to see the scientist standing against the wall. His expression was one of fear. Jack's eyes narrowed, as he began closing the distance between them.
"Where the hell is she?"

"Please Jack- Sir! I didn't know they were going to take her! They said they just had some questions!"

Jack grabbed the man by his throat, holding him against the wall. The man's hands clutched at Jack's wrist and arm as he tried to breath. "Who is they? And where did they take her?" He growled.

The man gasped for air. "Plea- I cant-"
Jack loosened his grip just enough for the man to suck in a gulp of air. "I- I don't know where they went... they-they're Vault Hunters... the Crim- Crimson Raiders!"

"You let them in. You led them right to her. And they took her." Jack's teeth gnashed as he glared up at the trembling scientist.

"Please! They- They said they would kill me if I didn't help! They didn't tell me they were going to-to-to take her!" The man shook in Jack's tight grip. "They were going to shoot me!"

"Oh? They were going to shoot you? I'm gonna do a lot worse than that, Shitbag." Jack's low voice growled his words. The mans eyes widened with even more fear.
Jack yanked the man off of the wall causing him to fall over himself, and smack on to the hard floor. Jack's hand grabbed the back of his collar, and began dragging him towards the creature enclosures.
The man continued frantically pleading while Jack held him as he typed in the code for the Skag's enclosure. The glass door slid open, allowing access to the sleeping beasts within. After shoving the man inside, he resealed the room. The man began pounding on the thick glass wall, begging, screaming to be let out.
Jack smirked as he pointed behind the scientist. The man slowly turned. He had woken up the Skags.
Jack could hear the muffled screams of the scientist as he walked away.

Dreams Don't Always Go To Plan (Handsome Jack x Reader) (NEW & REVISED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now