Ch 9: The Day After

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-- This is a pretty short chapter. It's mostly just a continuation into ch.10 but I didn't really want to add it on. So it gets its own mini chapter.

Also, some of the events in the game are in different order in this story.
For instance, Wilhelm, Nisha, Angel and Roland are already dead, but Bloodwing isn't and the time frame is different than the games as well. I'll try to incorporate timeline-ish things to make it easier to keep up. ---


You typed in your door code, and stepped into the mostly dark apartment. A small lamp in the corner of the room illuminated Emily asleep on your couch. She must've decided to just stay the night.

You undressed, and stepped into the warm water of your shower. You began to run your soapy luffa over your body. Grabbing for your feminine wash, and soaping up your hands - without thinking you began to wash your lady bits. "Oof!" You let a small noise, feeling that you were rather sore down there. A small smile crept onto your lips as thoughts of why floated through your mind. You finished your shower and got dressed.

Climbing into bed, you got comfortable, and closed your eyes. It almost didn't seem real. The entire night. The party, the dancing...the phenomenal sex.
That's when it started to hit you again.. You had considered that he kept you by his side at the party strictly for appearances, and it was more than likely the truth. Then you remembered how months ago he had told you that, one day he'd get you to admit to wanting him. And that's exactly what you had done tonight. You had completely given in to wanting him. He had now gotten what he wanted. To prove he could make you want him. To get you underneath him. You had honestly known all along that he didn't have any real feelings for you, but that didn't make it sting any less.

You pulled a pillow over your face, and just held it there. Why did you have to develop feelings for him? Of all the people in the galaxy, you just had to fall for the one you never expected to even like. The one who would never truly care about you. You had feared him, held him in your mind as something other than human, a god like being...mysterious and powerful - but even didn't worship or fawn over him like almost everyone else in Helios did. Meeting him changed most of that. You began to see a more human side, albeit a very cocky, king like human, but even so. He was good at what he did, you couldn't really blame him for a lot of his cockiness - and you couldn't deny that it attracted you to him more.

He wasn't as much of an unknown anymore. In the months that you had worked for him. He actually told you quite a bit about his plans for Pandora. You knew he was mining for another vault, he had told you about the previous vault he had been in, and about the betrayal of most everyone around him. How those four Vault Hunters had killed his last girlfriend over a year ago, and that he hadn't been in an actual relationship since.

"People die all the time out here - you learn to not get too attached. I missed her here and there for awhile, but I've moved passed it."

He had also told you about his daughter, a siren. Which surprised you quite a bit. He explained how she killed her mother with her siren powers when she was a child, and that he had to lock her away. That after that, he didn't love her the same. He still cared about her, and loved her in his own way...and that's the main reason he kept her alive and locked away. But she was gone now too. She didn't like being his prisoner, and she persuaded the Vault Hunters to kill her. This hardened him more. He realized how bad of a father he had been, and that he would never get the chance to change any of it. He killed the Crimson Raider's leader, and took his daughters body, along with the key she had been powering. He had her cremated and poured her ashes into the waters where Opportunity was built. For now, the vault key was hidden. Even you didn't know where.
He had told you the name of the Siren he despised, and vowed to kill one day. Lilith. That she had done more than enough to him, to deserve whatever he decided to do to her.

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