Ch 4: A New Opportunity

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The rest of your day went on as normal. Lunch with Emily, back to work to continue on little technical tasks for people that Handsome Jack said you could work on when you weren't busy, and back home again.

The next several weeks went about this way. Jack had you set up meetings with Tediore, and the other companies here and there. He had even asked you to sit in on some of them. Watching him conduct the meetings with full control, and ease was quite alluring.

By now, nearly three months into your new position, you were actually feeling confident as a 'higher up' secretary. You talked fairly normal with Jack now, and found that there was much more than just good looks to him. However, you had also seen his temper by now. You weren't usually the cause, but he had lashed out at you a few times. This was always a scary thing. One wrong move when he was angry could cost you your life.
He usually apologized when he noticed he had actually scared you, and would seem to try and calm down. You found that you could usually calm him down by getting him to talk about something different or sometimes even by letting him rant about the idiot who had caused his anger. You had noticed him come back to his office a couple of times with blood splatter on his clothes. For some reason the thought of him killing someone who had just pissed him off, didn't scare, or bother you as much after a while, but seemed to intrigue you. You had always been drawn to men with some power. Jack was the mother load of power. You had also been catching yourself agreeing with some of his more eccentric ideas to deal with problems on Pandora. He was starting to get to you, and you weren't sure if you liked it or not....but, you didn't hate it.

By this time, Emily had seemed to grow used to you working for Handsome Jack, and only got really excited when you would remark about some small flirtation or attractive thing he had done. She was also betting on if the two of you would ever hook up. You usually shot that idea down, knowing that it wouldn't happen. You hid your growing attraction of him from her. You didn't want to hear her bragging about being right.

You had a pretty decent routine going now. You had gotten Jack to try your sweet coffee from the café one day, and he ended up liking it. Usually stealing sips of yours as he would stand and talk to you at your desk. You began getting the two of you one every morning on your way to work. You'd bring his to him in his office after setting your things down at your desk.

For about 30 minutes to an hour, the two of you would drink your coffee, and discuss the plans for the day, recent events, or whatever else popped up. It was during these talks that he continued to grow on you. You found yourself giggling at his twisted sense of humor, and getting lost in his heterochromic eyes more often than not.
You would then work on whatever task he had given, and once finished, you would move on to technical tasks that had been posted. (Mr. Hooper was happy to have you still working with the department, in a way.)

After lunch, you'd finish anything you still needed to do, and once the work day was over - if Jack wasn't in a meeting or off station, you'd sit in his office and discuss the tasks you had finished or were still working on before leaving for the day. You had begun to enjoy working for Jack. He was definitely still fearsome, and you watched what you said when he was in a bad mood. You knew he could kill you easily, if he ever wanted to. However, the power he gave off when he was angry or excited intrigued you, and only added to his sex appeal. Occasionally, he would say something that would leave you lost for words and shy, but for the most part, you were growing braver.


12:43PM - Your Office Area (3ish months into your new position)

You sat at your desk working on a small task after lunch. The day had gone by so far like any other. You looked up as you heard footsteps coming from Jack's office. He rounded the corner of the archway and stood in front of your desk. "Yes sir?" You asked, looking up at him.

Dreams Don't Always Go To Plan (Handsome Jack x Reader) (NEW & REVISED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now