Ch 23: Rising Up Again

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You tapped on the button for the microphone that would broadcast your voice over the entirety of Helios. With a deep inhale, you briefly considered the words to say.

"Attention all of Helios. It has come to light that our current stand-in president, Mr. Vincent Hudson, has succumbed to the pressures of the job, and because of such, has unfortunately ended his own life. In his last moments, he let it be known that I, (y/n), Handsome Jack and Mr. Hudson's personal assistant for these past few years, would be his choice for succession. I have accepted this...bittersweet offer, and will be taking charge immediately. You can be assured that I will bring this company back to its former glory. We will be on top again. -- Long live Hyperion."

You leaned away from the microphone, and stood to your feet. Whispers behind you, from the guards and com personnel tickled your ears. You turned to see their eyes wide, staring at you in shock, from the news they'd just heard. You slowly panned your eyes to each of them - an arch to your brow raising.

"Miss (Y/n)," One man spoke, stepping forward and tilting his head down. "I personally congratulate you on your promotion. May your guidance take us in a better direction than President Hudson's."

"Acting president." You corrected, "but thank you, and believe me... It will." The man quickly nodded, and took a step back. The others glanced to him before returning their eyes to yours. "There will be no more of this slacking off bullshit that Hudson allowed. I wasn't feigning. Hyperion will be back on top." The group stood straighter, glancing to one another for some sort of guidance. You pointed to the three guards standing to the left side of the group. "You three follow me. It seems that I'll be needing a new office, and I know exactly where I want."


With your old office now a museum, you decided to take an additional security room that overlooked The Hub of Heroism as your new one. There were others on this level already, and relocating the workers from this station was an easy task. More so, it already came with the added security you would be needing if you were to be running the company.

It wasn't too big nor small. Really nothing fancy, other than the large, nearly floor to ceiling windows on opposite walls. One looked out into the black blanket of stars, allowing you to see the various shuttles and space vehicles coming in to dock. The other, looking over the artificially sunlit expanse of The Hub. From this level you could see the trams and floating transit vehicles moving between the buildings, the artificial cloudiness that appeared the higher up you looked through the tall structures, and all of the people bustling around below.

Yellow décor adorned every wall here and there - with yellow banners hung, showing the pride of Hyperion. It wasn't a massive view of Elpis, but it was your own and it was different. Having something different, and not being a constant reminder of a time gone, was a good thing.


You stood at your window, occasionally watching the people below. It'd only taken a couple of days to have the security room, that was now your office, remodeled and decorated. You'd been requested to have your professional Presidential photo taken - so that it could be adorned around the station, and various Hyperion news platforms. You glanced down at it, appearing on a news article, on your ECHOdevice's screen. It was a nice picture, thankfully. One you'd never thought you'd have of yourself - a presidential portrait.

"Ahem, last box, Ma'am." A man spoke up from behind you.

You turned to see one of the utility employees who had helped bring many boxes of older Hyperion records - some even before Jack's reign - to your new office. "You can just put it with the rest, thank you." You motioned to the stack of boxes near the opposite window. It would take weeks to completely go through them all, but you weren't too bothered by the prospect of busy work. It just meant less time to dwell, or think.

Dreams Don't Always Go To Plan (Handsome Jack x Reader) (NEW & REVISED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now