Ch 26: The Unknown

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Heavily, as if they had weights attached to them, your eyes slowly opened. The room was still pretty dark. The soft glow of the fish tank began easing you awake. How long had you been sleeping? You took in a deep breath, pulling in the familiar scents of Jack. Your arms stretched above you into the layers of thick pillows and satin sheets - feeling their coolness against your warm skin.

You glanced up as you heard the bathroom door open.

"Sorry, pumpkin. Didn't mean to wake you." Jack smiled as he crossed the room, and crawled on to the bed over you.

You smiled, letting your hands rub up his arms, feeling the flexed muscles. Soft, slightly hairy, warm skin. It felt magical almost, like something you'd missed for so long. You weren't quite sure where that feeling was coming from. It was...strange.

"You didn't." You purred, looking up into his enchanting eyes.

"You're smiling a lot." He said, equally smiling as he gazed down at you. He was on hands and knees, encasing you with his body.

You let your hands roam over his arms, down his sides and across his back. You wanted to touch him, to constantly feel him under your fingers. "I've missed you..."

His smiled faltered a bit as he looked a tad confused. "Missed me? I only got out of bed a little bit ago." He chucked a little, his smile showing off his canines. "You okay?"

Why had you said that? Without even thinking, that was what fell from your lips. The feeling was still there though. You had missed him. Maybe you'd had a bad dream the night before that you couldn't quite remember.

Then it started to come back. Your brows furrowed as you began remembering things.

"I...I had an awful dream. I think it was a dream, it had to be... It felt so real... died, and I was all alone. Then Helios... Helios stared falling from space... I don't remember anything after that though.."

"Hey...hey..." Jack spoke softly, pulling your attention back to him. "It was just a dream, (y/n). You're okay. I'm right here." His lips curved up into his usual cocky smirk. "..I can't die, remember? I'm too friggin' sexy and important to die." His smile was contagious and the little, slow lick he gave to his lips was purely tantalizing.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down closer to you. Your lips pressed together. The fluttering feeling of your butterflies began to engulf you. The warmth of his lips against yours, melting you instantly. He began deepening the kiss as he lowered onto his elbows and forearms. His hands caressing the sides of your face as his tongue danced with yours.

He smelled so good. Freshly showered, and still warm from the steamy water. His mask still lying on the table next to the bed. You let your hands wander further over his back and down the curve to the top of his ass. His naked ass. You squeezed your fingers a little causing him to pull away with a playful smirk.

"You're still naked." You smiled, letting your fingers knead his uncovered cheeks.

"Mhmm. Can't really do anything fun with clothes on, now can I, Kitten?" His wink sent tingles down your body. You rose your hips up just enough to brush against him. You could feel his firm arousal through the blankets that you were still under. Those needed to go. He seemed to read your mind as he leaned up - pulling the blankets down, allowing you to free your legs. You were also naked. Not uncommon for you to be naked in his bed, but you couldn't really remember last night or much of anything, really. You didn't think too much into it. There was a fully naked Jack above you, and that's really all that mattered.

Dreams Don't Always Go To Plan (Handsome Jack x Reader) (NEW & REVISED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now