Ch 8: Ecstasy

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You opened your eyes to your dark office. All the lights were out. You had never been in here this late. Same office or not, it was kind of exciting being in here after dark...and with Jack.
"Come on, Cupcake, it shouldn't be too long."
Jack headed to his office, and you followed behind. His office was dark as well, still lightly illuminated by Elpis's glow.
He sat down at his desk, and began typing away at his computer. Instead of sitting down in the chair that you always sat in, you walked around the back of his desk to stand in front of the massive window.
Elpis looked beautiful, even with its scar from Zarpedon firing the eye of Helios at it repeatedly. You had never just stood here and looked at it for awhile.
After a few minutes, you noticed Jack come and stand next to you. He stood silently for a moment, looking out at Elpis as well. "It's kinda beautiful from up here, isn't it?" You nodded back, with a nostalgic smile.

" is. I was down there when the laser kept firing...shaking the entire moon. It was my first year of living there. We thought we were all going to die...and then it just...stopped." You looked over to him to see him looking at you. "We were eventually told that you had stopped it."

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
"Eh, I had some help, but yeah." He began to chuckle a little. "You know, you've been in my office countless times, and I've never seen you just stare out of that window before."

You let out a small chuckle. "Because I'm usually focused on what you're talking to me about."

He began laughing. "So you're going to tell me that even with an entire moon out there behind me - you're more interested in me?" His smirk showed how amused he was.

You rolled your eyes playfully. "I didn't say that! I said that I focus on what you're telling me!"

He continued laughing, and nodded his head. "Uh huh. Sure, Pumpkin." Giving you a wink as he smiled at you. He walked back, and leaned against his desk. "So...did you enjoy yourself tonight? Gala wasn't too boring for ya?"

"Honestly? This was probably the best night of my life, Sir...I mean, Jack." You smiled, feeling slightly embarrassed at calling him by name.

"What? Really? Oh, Sweetheart...You thought tonight was fun? ....I could rock your world." His lips curved into a seductive smirk.

Your breathing stopped, and your heart began pounding. You shyly looked back out of the window..,trying to keep your smile small, and not too obvious. You heard him chuckle behind you.
"Alright alright, don't get all shy on me now. Hmm...let's see. What was your favorite part of the night?"

You turned to face him. You began smiling at recalling your favorite part. "Dancing."

He stood up from his leaning position. With raised brows, and a slight smirk. "Oh really?" He pushed a button on his ECHOband, and soft music began playing throughout the large room. He took a couple of steps towards you. "Well then why stop?"

"What do you mean?" You looked at him quizzically. Was he really wanting to dance again?

"Look around you, baby. You couldn't ask for a better view or audience" his lips still smiling deliciously.

You glanced at the moon and back to him. "But there's no one else here...?"

He took your hand, and pulled you close to him. "Exactly." His voice was low and sexy. You could now feel and hear your heart beating.

He began slowly dancing with you in front of the moon. His eyes watching you as he retained his slight smirk. Your thoughts went to all of the eyes that the two of you had on you all night, and what he had said. "Do you really not care what people were thinking about me being with you tonight? You didn't tell anyone that I was your secretary..."

Dreams Don't Always Go To Plan (Handsome Jack x Reader) (NEW & REVISED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now