Ch 32: A Welcomed Change

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You glanced up at hearing a quiet noise to see Rhys stepping into the room. You met his gaze for a moment and then returned to your writing.

You couldn't help feeling a bit annoyed at him. He's kept himself held up in his office for nearly a week, and won't even tell you what he's been working on. You could tell he was lying. You just weren't sure what about. Rhys has never been able to lie convincingly to you. Almost to a comical level. This however, wasn't funny. With everything happening out in the city, and his demand that you stay inside and safe - you'd figured he was working on something to get a step up on Maliwan. If that was the case though, why was he refusing to let you know anything about it? Who was he talking to when you'd hear him outside of his office door? You'd begun to wonder if he was making some of a deal with Katagawa, and that's why he was being so secretive. If so, he was right to be worried what you'd think. After everything the two of you had been through to build Atlas back up - and he just goes and signs it away? No. You wouldn't let him do that.

Honestly, you couldn't really see him doing that either though. He'd have to be desperate to do something so rash.

You could see him standing in front of your desk out of your peripheral vision. Just...standing there. He hadn't said anything yet as he watched you continue to make notes and type things in on your computer.

You glanced up for a moment - seeing him fidgeting with his fingers.

"What, Rhys?" You said, deadpanned - setting your pen down and intertwining your hands on top of your desk.

His brow furrowed a bit. You could tell he was trying to think of how to start whatever it was that he wanted to say. He cleared his throat after a moment.

"I'm...I'm sorry that I've seemed so distant lately. It's just that- ...after I stopped you from going out there the other day- ..You said that I needed to figure out something, or you wouldn't stay inside for much longer. I- ...I don't want you to be held up in here...but I really, really don't want you to die out there..."

His gaze had shifted back and forth between you and the desk as he talked through his thoughts in staggered sentences.

You let out a small sigh - relaxing your muscles a bit. "Why did you kiss me that day, Rhys?" You'd wanted to ask for days, but also really didn't want to bring it back up. Neither of you had mentioned it or any of what had come after, but Rhys had been acting strange since it'd happened.

His eyes widened a bit. Obviously not expecting that question. "I...I don't really know. I mean, because I wanted to...but why then? I guess, because of the way you were looking up at me. Because I've wanted to so many times over the last couple of years...or, because I was afraid you'd leave and get killed... I don't know. I never did before because I know how you still feel about Jack."

You nodded. Letting his words sink in. You'd known he had some sort of feelings for you for quite awhile. He wasn't the best at hiding them. However, he'd never tried anything. Then again, with how much he knew of you and Jack's past relationship - you weren't surprised.

"I guess those are good enough reasons." You sighed quietly. "I said that I had needed some time to think about what happened that night. Well, I thought...and thought. is time I let go of him..." you let a deep, shaky breath out. It honestly hurt to say that out loud. You'd thought it plenty of times, but always pushed it to the back of your mind. It was never something you liked to think about. However, after that rather risqué evening with Rhys – you realized that it was actually possible after all of these years. You cared for Rhys, obviously more than you had thought you did. Deep in your heart, you knew it now. You could still love Jack, while moving forward.

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