Up In Flames

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Alora's P.O.V.

It all happened so fast, I didn't know what to do. There was shattered glass and bent metal all around me. The smell of gasoline and smoke filled my lungs so much that I started to cough and wheeze. "What's going on?" I say to no one while I try looking around but find it too hard to move my body. I feel something dripping into my burgundy red hair, its warm and sticky. I look up and I see the corpse of my mother, a scream escaped my lips then the metal started to squeak and bend. It was the sound that came from my dad's garage when he was cutting sheet metal for the car he had been working on. I was starting to hear the voices of men and the sirens as well as other voices wondering if everything was okay. Obviously not if I can't remember anything that happened before this moment. "Dad! Daddy! Where are you?!" I call out while I reach for my mother's pale hand, she dosn't move and I start to cry then I feel arms around my waist and I'm pulled from the burning mess of metal and glass. "No! NO! Mom! Dad!" I scream, I'm being strapped to a stretcher and put into an ambulance. The EMT's are talking and putting needles into my arms, they comment on the few scars that they see that are spread over my arms then put a mask over my mouth. Right when I being to ask about my parents I black out once more. //FEW HOURS LATER\\ I hear the familiar beeping sounds that belong to heart and vital monitors, was I in a hospital? Why was I in a hospital? Slowly I start to open my eyes, the room is white and it smells like bathroom cleaner. I cough a few times then I hear the familiar bubbly voice that belongs to my grandmother, but it's hoarse. "Oh Alora, thank God you're okay!" She said as she started to get out of the chair and waddle over to the side of the bed. She took my hand and I looked up. "Grammy? What happened?" I asked as I looked up at her. Her big brown eyes were red and bloodshot; I could still see the tear stains on her cheeks. "Alora, there was a crash. Your mom and dad didn't make it." Then she started to cry again, and then I started to cry. "What? No! We were just going to the grocery store." My heart rate spiked and I started to feel light headed. My grandmother handed me a plastic cup of water for me to drink and she started to explain what had happened. There was a girl who was a few years older than I that was texting and driving -- big shocker -- she wasnt paying attention and crashed head on into oncoming traffic. I only survived because I was so close to the door in the backseat. My head started to throb and I felt the bandage wrapped around my skull. I let out a sigh and thought about how my hair would look after everything, I cannot pull off a shaved head at all. But that was all besides the point of course. What was I going to do? Where was I going to live? I knew that my Aunt was going to find a way to get my great grandma to take the house away because she's horrible like that. I pretty much just had everything taken away from me, there was nothing more that I could do to try and make light of this situation. Grammy said that she would take care of the funeral arrangements and that my Grammpy would take care of calling my brothers since they were still deployed. So all I had to worry about was me. That was great if I wasn't feeling like my world was falling and crumbling around me. I was feeling numb, all I wanted was my music, my grandma could see it. She handed me my iPod, the screen was cracked and the purple case was missing, but as long as it still worked  I didn't really care. "Thank you." I murmured and she kissed my forehead and said that she was going to go home and that she'd talk to me later. I said 'goodbye' and put in my headphones and turned on my Black Veil Brides playlist and closed my eyes. Ironically the first song that came on was Lost It All. My eyes started to well up with tears and I coughed more. I really didn't know what I was going to do anymore. I just wanted to go and hide away from the world for the rest of my life. Thinking about a world without my beloved parents and maybe even without my dorky brothers scared the living shit out of me. All the other members of my family that I could stand have shunned me completely because "certain people" don't approve of me and how I do things. So I really had no one. No one.  //A FEW DAYS LATER\\ The funeral came together quickly and it was beautiful, I cried and people hugged me and gave me their condolences, not that it helped much. After looking around and talking with my grandma I had decided that it was best for me to go somewhere else and start brand new, try and get better without all the distractions of home. I was going to move to California. So I started packing. I had donated a lot of my own things that I wouldn't need to bring because I would be able to get new things down there. The last thing that I had to do was clean out my parents room and that was hard. I was having to stop to cry every few hours. My dog Mater was by my side the whole time, I had to give him to my Grandpa Bob because he would be able to keep him and Mater loved him, but this was my last day with my crazy dog. While I was taking a moment to cry he started to sniff around my mom's closet, I had almost finished cleaning it out. He barked and I heard a crinkle of paper. "Mater, come." I said and the big white dog trotted over to me with a white envelope in his mouth. I took it from him and looked inside, it was a ticket of some kind and a note. It was from my mother. "Oh god, more tears." I choked and started to read.
'My Dearest Alora,
We know how much you've always wanted to go and see that band that you love. And you're growing up and moving on well in life. Your dad and I got you a full set up. It's for your 21st birthday and we want it to be one that you will always remember. So have fun and we love you my dahling!
Mom and Dad'

Oh that was it, I was bawling now. With a shaking hand I pulled out the tickets and saw that it was to Black Veil Brides. Even from heaven they were still making me cry. I held onto my dog and started to cry even more, but this was happiness and sorrowful tears. I just still wished that they were with me. But no amount of tears can bring them back to me, and I knew that. After I had collected my senses again I finished packing up and got myself all cleaned up. I needed to rest before I started to head out tomorrow. I grabbed my blankets and went and slept in my parents bed that night.

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