Time and Time Again

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I watched Alora as she walked out of the green room, she wanted to be alone and wanted me to keep going with the meet and greet. So I did, even though I wanted to go after her and hold her close until she stopped crying, try and take all the pain away from her. I didn't like seeing her so sad. After seeing her face light up I never wanted to see that frown on her lips or that clouded look in her eyes. It crushed my soul. She said she had been praying, probably for her parents. She seemed to love them very much, reminded me of how much I love my grandparents. I remember her saying she had brothers too but she didn't say much other than that, if they had passed away too I wouldn't know what to do. Alora seemed to have already been in her own hell, I don't want anything worse to happen to her if that happened. With a sigh I pushed myself off the couch and went to meet the other guys in the meet and greet area. We took pictures, got drinks and talked with fans. Some of them mentioned seeing Alora in the parking lot and commented on how lucky she was to be hanging out with all of us. Others had some less than nice things to say but I quickly shut them down and told them not to say such mean things to her or about her. Soon the meet and greet hour was over and I went out to look for Alora, she was walking around a light pole with her headphones in, watching her feet. I started to walk towards her and reached for her hand.

Alora's P.O.V.

I didn't want to go back into the building, for fear that I might suffocate so I just stayed outside. I put in my headphones and turned up the volume and let the music take over my being. I was humming to myself while I walked around the light pole, I kept looking at the moon, my feet, the pavement then back up at the stars. At that moment I wished I could fly, fly through the clouds, through space. Go on my own mission to find heaven, just so that I could see my parents and tell them I loved them one last time. That was when I felt a hand in mine, I pulled out an earbud and whirled around to see Ashley. I smiled weakly at him and he pulled me into his chest for a tight hug. "I'm here for you Alora, always." His voice was smooth and sultry, like always, and it was very comforting. I wrapped my arms around Ashley's waist and buried my face into his chest, he put his arms around my shoulders and kissed my hair. I could feel the tears coming back, my body was trembling. It had felt like ages since I had been held this way, in a way that I could feel that someone cared. Slowly I looked up at Ashley, tears welling up in my eyes. "Thank you. Thank you for being here." I whispered and closed my eyes when I felt his fingers caressing my cheek, neck and collarbone before feeling his lips against mine. A tear fell as I kissed him back, being in so much pain to was nice to feel cared for, maybe even loved? No... No, no, not loved. It was far to early for love to be a factor in, whatever Ashley and I had. But whatever this was I wasn't going to take it for granted. Slowly the kiss broke and my eyes fluttered open to look up at Ashley and I smiled softly then I felt his calloused thumb brush against my bottom lip. "I never want to see that smile go away."  He murmured as he reached around his back to take my hand as we walked to his car. "I'll try to keep it there for you Ashley." I said quietly. The walk to the car was shirt lived, Ashley opened the passenger door for me and then he got into the drivers side. I was assuming that he was going to take me home but I didn't say anything when he missed my exit. I just crossed my legs and looked out the window at the stars and went back into my own little world.

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