Whiskey Princess

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Alora's P.O.V.

I have been back home for almost a week and it had been the worst week of my life. When I had gotten in contact with my brother it was at Harborview Medical Center. Nicholas was in the ICU, he had been fine on the flight home but as soon as he landed he had an episode and was flown to the hospital. I had gotten called and I have been going between the hospital and the crappy apartment that I was able to get with the small amount of money that I still had. Right now I was in the apartment, there were empty bottles of whiskey all over the table and a tear stained pillow on the futon that was in the living room. I was so depressed and scared, I didn't know if Nicholas was going to make it and I had left the love of my life. I had been torching myself by watching for video's and pictures of the boys on the band's facebook page and their twitter's. I was just waiting for something to happen. Something good to happen. I jumped when my phone started to ring and I answered. "H-hello?" I stuttered out, it was Nicholas' doctor on the other line. "Th-thank yoo--" I couldn't even finish my sentence. I hit the end button on my phone and curled into myself and started to scream and cry. "WHY GOD WHY!?!?!" I screamed to the heavens, the doctor had called to tell me that Nicholas didn't make it and they had to pull the plug. I grabbed an empty bottle and threw it at the wall as watched as it shattered. I was able to push myself to my feet and I stumbled to the kitchen and grabbed another bottle and took a swig and started to cry even harder. Now I was worried about my other brother Dominic, I really had nothing if he would be hurt too. I screamed again then grabbed my iPod and plugged it into the speakers and turned up Black Veil Brides on full blast and grabbed my phone and went out onto the balcony and scrolled through my contacts. When I saw Jake's name I pressed send, it rang three times then went to voicemail. "Jake.... Jake..... It's Alora.... I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm not okay I need to talk to someone..... My brother didn't make it...." I hung up the phone and collapsed on the cold deck of the balcony.

Jake's P.O.V.

I had just gotten into the hotel room when my phone started to ring, Alora's ringtone was going off and I didn't know if I should answer. Ashley was across the room from me and we locked eyes. "Well answer it!" Ashley yelled throwing his hands in the air. But it was too late, it had gone to voicemail. I waited a minute then called my voicemail and put it on speaker. "Jake.... Jake..... It's Alora.... I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm not okay I need to talk to someone..... My brother didn't make it...." Ashley and I looked at each other then we ran for the door. Alora sounded drunk and like she was going to do something bad.

Ashley's P.O.V.

As Jake and I ran out of the hotel room and down to catch a cab I pulled out my phone and called Alora, I felt like if I didn't save her that she wouldn't make it. The phone stopped ringing and I could hear Alora's staggered breathing on the other side. "Alora... Baby, it's Ashley... Tell me where you are." I pleaded.

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