Bruises and Blood

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Alora's P.O.V.

As we stared into one anothers' eyes in happiness we both heard a loud crash in the dressing room. We ran to find out what happened. When we got there we found Andy with a cut up hand from busting the huge mirror that Was on the wall. Jake and Jinxx were already there trying to bandage him up for the show but he kept refusing and telling them to leave him the fuck alone. Something was really bothering him. As for Chrissy she was no where to be found but then again neither was CC.  Ashley kicked everyone out of the room only him and their manager Jon were allowed in there as they talked to Andy trying to figure out what was making him the huge brat that he had turned into with in the last few hours.

As we all sat in the hall on the chairs drinking water and chatting I asked Jake and Jinxx if they had seen Chrissy and CC.
"Oh yeah!" Jake said as Jinxx smiled "me and Jinxx saw the both of them talking, then CC kissed her, he sad he was sorry if he offended her. Then she attacked his face with kisses. We haven't seen em since."
I just sat there shaking my head saying "lord she is gonna get fired before she even does one show"

Jinxx and Jake both laughed as we sat out there and began to laugh at random pranks they have done on people during tour. And just as we began to laugh Andy, Ashley and Jon came out.  Ashley had a black eye, Andy had a cut on his forehead. Jon was red in the face from yelling.
"Ashley what happened?"
"Andy has been being an asshole because he has a crush on you and wants you but you're with me so we fought."
I really didn't know what to say after that matter. The fact that he said that we were kind of together made me blush a little bit. Thankfully I didn't have to say anything Chrissy and CC decided to come out of the hall closet just as Ashley finished his sentence. CC had the shade of lipstick that Chrissy was wearing all over him. It was on his face, chest, abs, and places that I didn't want to think of I'm sure. Chrissy was disheveled her clothing half open. Her zipper wasn't agreeing with her so she pulled her shirt over it as she came out.
"So see you in a hour right CC? " she said to try to cover the awkward moment.
"Sure sweet cheeks" he said and kissed her passionately
I think this is a day for the books I think to myself. I went up to Chrissy after herself CC were done and told her they were going to get dinner as they had a band meeting because is Andy being a brat. She said that worked for her since she was craving a Bacon cheeseburger anyway.  CC kiked her to bring him a chocolate milkshake, Chrissy laughed and yelled down the hall "Calm your sexy butt down u will get your sugar rush! "

I walked down the hallway with my hands in my back pockets and I started to walk outside for a moment. The sun was bright as it hit my eyes I had to squint and shade my eyes. I didn't know what to do. I would have to talk to Andy later I knew that was for sure. There was no way that we could work together if he was going to keep acting like an asshole when he had the most amazing girl ever by his side. That and I knew Juliet would try and kill me if she knew Andy was crushing on me. But there was that one thing that Ashley said when he came out. That I was with him, that he was with me. That we were... Together? "No, not at all possible." I muttered to myself as I walked further out of the building. It was just so hard to grasp and think about. Of course, everything that happened the last few months I never thought about happening. Everything really was so magical, I thought that I was in a dream. Being with Ashley and the rest of the guys really was a dream come true. I really needed to stop questioning everything and over thinking it. Even though that was just my defense mechanism. I just needed to take everything as it was, a blessing.

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