Maid Of Honor

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Alora's P.O.V.

I spend the rest of the morning with Ashley and then he said that he has to go and meet up at the studio with the rest of the guys. They're already starting on the next album, which I think is great. Keep them busy and keep the fans happy. So I text Chrissy and tell her to come over so we can go look at some baby things and I'm going to tell her that Ashley proposed and ask her to be my maid on honor. I'm actually surprised that she wasn't the first person that I told. But then again the last few days have been pretty rough. Giving Ashley a kiss goodbye I settled back into the couch and before I knew it Chrissy was over. "Hey! You've been a hermit since we got back from tour! What the hell is going on?!" My sister said as she came into the apartment and plopped herself down next to me. "Just a bad day. But I have a surprise for you!" I said with a bright smile as I pulled my hair over my right shoulder. Chrissy gave me a look and shifted to face me as I faced her. "He proposed!" I said, almost with a squeal and held out my left hand, the onyx stone sparkled in the light coming in through the windows. "OH MY GOD!!" Chrissy shrieked and hugged me, I hugged her back and started to giggle. "WHEN!?!" She asked. "Just a couple days ago, he did it after he got home from his meeting. I had set up dinner for us and right when he walked through the door he asked me. It was so perfect. I wouldn't change a thing about it." Chrissy 'awweh'ed and hugged me again. "But now I have a question for you." I smiled and took her hands. "Will you be my maid of honor?" I asked with a grin. "Of course!!" Chrissy smiled and laughed. It's one of those moments like, 'you-better-have-asked-me-to-be-your-maid-of-honor-bitch!' moments. "And we're having a girl." I just tossed that in there, even though I'm sure Jinxx spilled the beans on that one already. Chrissy and I talked and laughed for a bit before we started out on out shopping escapades.

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