The Morning After Haze

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Alora's P.O.V.

Everything was hurting. My head was pounding and my eyelids felt heavy. I wanted to open them but I couldn't as hard as I tried. I could feel arms around my waist and I was trying to remember last night, but details were kind of hazy. All I could remember was going to karaoke with CC, Jake and Ashley... Ashley. I was beginning to remember when my phone started to ring, the ringtone was In The End. Groaning I rolled onto my side and patted around the nightstand and grabbed my phone. "Hello?" I answered, my voice was hoarse and my mouth was dry. "Hey! Where you at? You were supposed to meet me!" A familiar voice was on the other end of the line, it was Chrissy. "Oh, yeah. Just let me go and shower. You can come up if you want." I said as I tried to sit up but the arms pulled me closer and there was a groan of a male voice, Chrissy could hear it. "Uh, where are you sis?" She asked. "I'm in bed with uh..." I looked over my shoulder at a sleeping Ashley Purdy. "I'm in bed with Ashley Purdy." I whispered into the receiver. The other end of the line was silent. "Not like that... At least I hope not." I bit my lip and looked around the room, it didn't look like there was any sign of him and I having sex, though lets be honest, even if it did happen I wouldn't have minded at all. I would just have liked to remember what happened last night. "He better not have. I'll be up in a second." Chrissy said before the line cut off. I sighed and hung up the phone and rolled over to see that Ashley was now awake. "Good morning beautiful." He said with that sultry, smokey voice of his. I giggled softly and smiled lightly. "Hey Ashley... What happened last night?" I whispered and bit my lip again. Ashley blinked a few times, "I don't remember anything after CC made me get up to sing." I explained. Ashley nodded a bit. "Nothing happened. I just brought you home and stayed here to make sure that nothing happened to you." I couldn't really tell but it seemed like Ashley wasn't telling me something. I tried to shrug it off. Something didn't feel right, I felt warm and happy. It didn't make sense. That's when there was a knock at the door. "That's my friend. We were supposed to go out job hunting." I said as I groaned and tried to get out of bed, Ashley helped me and gently kissed my shoulder. I blushed a little bit and looked over my shoulder at him. "Thank you." I said as I got out of bed and went to answer the door.

Ashley's P.O.V.

I could feel Alora moving around in my arms. She felt so warm and soft. She was answering the phone, even with all of her drinking last night I still thought she sounded like an angel. I kept pretending to sleep while she talked to whoever was on the other line. It seemed like she couldn't believe that she was in bed with me, like she couldn't remember us falling asleep together. My heart started to ache a bit. Then I heard her hang up the phone then I opened my eyes when she turned in my arms. She looked at me and wanted to know what happened last night. That's when I was really hurt. She didn't remember our kiss.  Our kiss that was in so many ways absolutely perfect. As I thought about it my heart rate started to pick up a bit. Alora was getting out of the bed, I was trying not to pull her back so that I could kiss her and try and get her to remember but I just thought that it would be best to keep it subtle. I would see her again anyways, I know I would.

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