Dinner And a Show

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Alora's P.O.V.

Once the show was over we all headed over to the meet and greet area. I was actually getting hugs from the fans and they were telling me happy birthday. I just sat on the couch with a cocktail in my hand and my ankles crossed while everyone else signed posters, shirts, and body parts and took pictures. My head was actually starting to hurt, I should have brought my medication but I just kept drinking more. It started to numb the throbbing. I sat there and hummed to myself for a while then began to wonder how Reggie was doing back at home. I really hoped he didn't get in to any of the boxes, that really wouldn't be good. Soon I was the only person left in the room that wasn't a part of the band. "Let's go out! We need to celebrate properly!" CC exclaimed as he came and flopped on the couch next to me. "What? No. I should just go home." What the hell was I thinking?! No one in their right mind would say no to going out on their 21st birthday, then again I still wasn't all the way there either. "No, you're going and that's final. Even if I have to drag out around myself!" Jake said with a wide grin as he sat on the other side of me, I was squished between two Gods, why wasn't I on cloud nine? "Fine, fine!" I laughed. "Where are we going?" I looked at Jake then at CC. They looked at each other then nodded. "APPLEBEES!" They both screamed. I heard Ashley from across the room. "Oh dear God, here we go again." He started to walk over to me and took me by the hand, pulling me up so I was on my feet, chest to chest with him, away from the crazies. "I'll make sure they don't do anything too stupid with you." Ashley chuckled. I giggled and smiled a little pushing my hair back from my eyes. "Thanks, I don't think I could be alone with them for very long before loosing my mind." Ashley smiled a little and I took a sip of my drink. We locked eyes for a moment and I could feel my heart racing in my chest, I was too busy getting lost in his eyes to notice that Jake and CC were trying to pull me out of the room so that we could start making our way to Applebees. "Ow!! Ow! Let go!" I yelled out, Jake had grabbed me around my waist and it made my ribs hurt. He quickly let go. "I'm sorry Alora! Do you still love me?" He looked at me with puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip. "Of course I do Jake. Let's go!" I climbed onto his back with my drink in my hand and the other arm around Jake's neck and my legs locked around his waist. He started to run to the car with CC trailing behind us. "HEY WAIT! I wanna ride too!"

Ashley's P.O.V.

This was going to be a long night. CC and Jake were going to get smashed and probably try and get Alora smashed as well, and that probably wouldn't take very long considering this was the first time ever in her life that she had drank, she told me that when she was working on my hair. Either way, I wanted to try and get her away from the two nutjobs but she had already agreed to go to the restaurant with them. I walked over to Alora and pulled her close to me, just to see what it felt like, mostly. I looked down into her eyes, they were still a little red but that could just be from the liquor. Her eyes were full of happiness, joy, and excitement but I could still see the pain and hurt that they still held. The next thing I knew was that she was being pulled away from me and she yelped in pain, I was about to pull her back but she climbed onto Jake's back and together they ran off. I was beginning to wish that she was on my back, but for what reason I didn't know. There was so much about this girl, no, this woman that I wanted to understand and get to know. But what was the point in that. Unless she showed any sign of wanting to stay and be with us we probably wouldn't see her again. That would make Andy happy for sure, all he was doing was complaining about having her around. And none of us guys had any idea why that was. For that matter Alora seemed like she was trying to push me away, like she didn't want to be around me. Even though all over her facebook and twitter it seemed all too obvious that I was the one that she fantasized about. I sighed and went and followed the three musketeers out to the car and hopped into the back with Alora and Jake drove us to the closest Applebees.

Alora's P.O.V.

I was starting to sweat again when Ashley climbed into the back seat of Jake's car with me. I kept my hands to myself and hummed quietly to myself. "You feeling okay?" Ashley asked putting his hand on my shoulder and pulling his fingers through my hair. I blinked and blushed a bit before looking up at him. "Of course." I smiled, I was starting to get lost in Ashley's eyes again. He was just so perfect and sweet, I just so amazed. Even still, none of this seemed real. I pinched myself and smiled again coming back to reality. "We're here~!" Jake and CC sang in unison then Ashley got out of the car and took me by the hand. I blushed even more but there was no way that I was going to pull away from this. If Ashley Purdy wanted to hold my hand who am I to object to the kings wishes? I giggle at my own thought and blush when Ashley looks at me with a smile. CC was able to get us seated at the bar right away and we all ordered drinks and some dinner and then the next thing you knew CC had a mic in his hand and was on top of the bar singing Livin On A Prayer at the top of his lungs. I was laughing so hard that I almost couldn't breathe. Then what happened next was just crazy. CC finished the song and handed me the mic. "Alright baby girl, it's your turn. Show the people you're amazing voice!" I blushed and took the mic. "Are you sure?" I looked at Jake and Ashley and they both nodded approvingly. I bit my lip before walking over and picking a song from the karaoke book. Looking through the book I smirked and looked up at the guy working the machine and tapped the song twice. "This one please." I grinned. This would be fun, really, really fun. I giggled and smiled as the music for New Perspective by PANIC! At The Disco started to play. When the chorus came around I grinned and looked at Ashley and played with his hair a little bit.

"Can we fast-forward till you go down on me?
Stop there and let me correct it
I wanna live a life from a new perspective
You come along because I love your face
And I'll admire your expensive taste
And who cares divine intervention
I wanna be praised from a new perspective
But leaving now would be a good idea
So catch me up on getting out of here."

I giggled at the wide, agaped look on Ashley's face and continued to dance around the bar and sing the song. When I was done the people around clapped and hollered. I blushed and sat on my stool and finished my drink and ordered another. "I think I just owned you CC." I laughed and then CC laughed and hugged. "Ya did good kid, ya did good." I hugged him back then looked at Ashley and his stare was penetrating my soul. I blinked and poked Ashley's arm. "You okay cowboy?" I giggled and tilted my head slightly. "What the hell was that?" He asked leaning closer to me because it was getting fairly loud in the bar. "What do you mean? I get more confident when I sing. That's all." I rubbed the back of my head and bit my lip again. "Maybe you should sing all the time because I like that side of you." Ashley smirked and took my hand and started to play with my fingers. I smiled softly and crossed my legs and took a sip of my drink and watched Ashley. "You know, I just might sing more often. It makes me feel alot better. Better than I have felt in a long time." I said tilting my head off to the side and playing with the ends of my hair. Ashley and I talked for most of the night, I sang a few more times, I did Toxic Valentine by All Time Low and The Only Exception by Paramore. By then end of the evening my voice was hoarse and my head was spinning. That was when Ashley spoke up. "Hey guys. Tell Jon I'll be back tomorrow, I'm gonna take Alora home and stay with her, make sure that she dosn't hurt herself." Jake and CC snickered, "Yeah right." Jake chuckled and took a shot then the next thing I knew was over Ashley's shoulder and he was taking me outside and getting a cab. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" I ask and poke his back. "I'm taking you home girly. You need to get to sleep."  Ashley said. I groaned, "C'mon man, I'll be fiiinneee~" I complain while Ashley puts me in the cab. "This was your first time drinking Alora. You need to take it easy." Ashley explained and kept me in his lap while the cab drove to my apartment. Together he and I walked to my unit and I unlocked the door, Reggie was already asleep on the futon in what would eventually be the living room. I giggled and petted him a little bit. "Thanks for everything Ashley. You've really made this the best birthday ever. I'll never forget it." I said as I turned on a light and got myself a glass of water and Ashley one as well. "You're welcome Alora. I'm so glad you had fun. I don't think I'll ever forget you." He said as he walked over to me. I blushed a little and looked up at him. "You don't have to forget me if you don't want to." I whispered and bit my lip. "What are you trying to say Alora?" Ashley arched his eyebrow and leaned against the counter. "Today was the most amazing day I've ever had. And you made my dream come true. I got to be your stylist and that's all I've wanted since I got into the industry. And I would love to keep styling you guys." I said a bit awkwardly and rubbed the back of my head. Ashley smiled and took my hand again. "I'll talk to Jon in the morning. For now, lets get you to bed. I'll stay with you and make sure you make it through the night and help you nurse your hangover in the morning." I giggled softly and took a sip of my water. "Sounds good to me. Let me just go change and wash my face." I said as I walked passed Ashley. I opened one of my boxes and got some black leggings and my pikachu tank top and changed in the bathroom and washed my face. I sighed looking and my naked face in the mirror. "Maybe I should've left the makeup on." I whispered to myself and touched my cheekbones that had a few small scars on them from the crash. Shaking my head I walked back out into the main living area. "Hey, you wanna crash on the sofa I can pull it out for you." I said pushing my hair out of my face. Ashley just kept staring at me again then nodded after a minute. "Okay then." I giggled and picked up Reggie and set him on my bed and when I turned around to go back to the fouton and Ashley was right in front of me. He put his arms around my waist and looked down at me. "You're so beautiful." He whispered and I blushed looking up at him. "Thank you." I whispered back and blinked a few times. I was not prepared for what happened next.

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