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She got to the class just as Miss Dalton was walking in as well.

"You're late, Miss West," Miss Dalton told her as she walked to the front of the class.

Winifred flashed her a charming smile and hurried to her seat. Before she could get there, someone grabbed her hand and pulled her to sit with them. She turned and saw Holly.

"What are you doing?" Winifred asked quizzically.

"Sit with us," Holly said.

It sounded like an order and Winifred didn't appreciate it. She looked behind her and found Holly's friends, Jade and Catherina.

"Hi," they both said.

"What's this about?" Winifred asked Holly.

"It could be about anything you want."

"Why am I sitting here?"

"Remember we have a mutual goal," Jade said from behind.

"That's why I'm sitting here?" She asked, a tad annoyed. "I haven't agreed to do anything with any of you."

"We agreed to meet yesterday but you were gone before we even knew it," Holly sounded disappointed.

All three of them were looking at her as though she owed them some kind of perfect explanation that would satisfy them.

"Catherina has Clay as her partner for Miss Dalton's assignment," Jade suddenly said.

"And?" Winifred asked.

"Clay and Elijah are friends."

"We don't know what he'll do to her if they're left alone to work on the project," Holly explained carefully. "Elijah has a reputation of forcing himself on girls and we don't know if Clay is the same. Catherina is nervous about it."

Winifred glanced at Catherina but the girl avoided her eyes shyly. "What am I supposed to do with this information?" She asked them.

They were forced to end the discussion as Miss Dalton began the lesson for the day. Winifred found her eyes raking the class in search of Jerry. She found him immediately and their eyes met. He stared at her. She stared back. She panicked. Why did she panic? Because she didn't know if she was supposed to smile or anything. The last time she'd done something like that, he'd intentionally looked away, leaving her dumbfounded. She felt a smile creeping about her lips and surprisingly he smiled back. It was a small one but it was better than nothing. On top of that, the small smile lit his eyes and it was the closest she'd seen him connect with her after their kiss.

Tristian sat behind him with Sebastian, they were in some kind of deep discussion. Just further down the second row she caught sight of Hilary giving her a death glare. Winifred rolled her eyes and wondered for the hundredth time what the girl was on. She looked away just as someone threw a piece of paper at her. She scowled and looked around but everyone's attention was elsewhere. She unfolded the small paper and written on it were the words 'let's meet after class'. Her first instinct was to glance at Jerry who was now talking to Ashley.

Winifred felt the butterflies in her stomach as her body tingled in excitement. Finally she was going to have her moment with him. Something she'd been craving for quite sometime now. She found it cute that he was sending her the message anonymously with a piece of paper. Winifred smiled as she reread the words.

"What's that?" Holly asked, peering into the paper.

"Nothing," Winifred said, putting it away.

Once the class came to an end, she hurried out after Jerry. She heard Holly calling after her but she didn't stop to answer her. She wasn't letting anyone get in her way of this moment with Jerry. She glanced back to make sure that no one was following her. Jerry could be luring her into a private area where they could be alone, and share more kisses, and confess their love for each other.

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now