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Jerry walked into the kitchen the next morning to find his mom making breakfast. As usual. It was a normal routine.

"Morning, mom," he said to her and walked to the fridge. He swung it open and took out a bottle of lemonade juice.

"Morning, dear," mom replied as she made more sausage and egg sandwiches.

He walked over to her side and took a plate of sandwich. "How are you feeling today, mom?" He asked as he scrutinized her from head to toe.

"I'm fine, Jerry, thanks for asking," she said with a narrow of her eyes.

He moved over to the breakfast bar and sat down to eat. "Did Emerald talk to you yesterday?" He asked after taking a huge bite from his sandwich.

Mom turned her back to him and continued making more sandwiches. "No, why?"

Just then, the kitchen door was flung open and Rachel walked in with Serena and Conrad at her heels.

"Mmmm," Rachel sniffed with her eyes briefly shut. "What smells so good?" She walked over to the counter and took a plate of sandwich.

Serena and Conrad did same as they greeted their mom.

"How are you feeling, Conrad?" Turning around to face Conrad, mom placed a firm palm on his head.

"I'm fine, mom," he told her and took a sit next to Jerry at the breakfast bar.

"Maybe you should stay home today."

"No way. I already skipped school yesterday, I can't do that today."

"Maybe you should take a break, mom," Rachel said, automatically changing the subject.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is..." She paused and took a small bite from her sandwich. After a quick swallow, she went on. "We think - sorry, I think you should take a break from all the cooking and the chores and the laundry and - "

"Don't be silly Rachel - "

"I think you should go on a vacation," she concluded with fake cherubic smile.

Jerry gave Rachel an intense gaze which she didn't seem to notice. He knew she didn't really mean what she was saying. Rachel didn't really care who cooked or did laundry. He suspected she was probably saying all these because Emerald had spoken to her about it.

"That's a jolly good idea!" Serena agreed with a nod and a wide grin altogether.

Jerry glanced in her direction.

Did Emerald also speak to Serena about getting their mom to take a break from all the work?

He looked at Conrad who sat beside him and waited for him to join in the conversation. But he seemed pretty uninterested in what the were talking about and chose to eat his meal in absolute silence.

"Don't be ridiculous," mom replied and turned her back to them pretending to wash the dishes. That was a familiar act she displayed when trying to avoid looking at any of them in the eyes. "I can't go on a vacation and leave you kids here all alone."

"Like seriously?" Rachel said in disapproval. "I'll be twenty in a few weeks. Emerald's twenty-three, I'm pretty sure we've got this mom."

"Okay, I'll think about it."

Rachel rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Serena murmured something about their mom always saying she'll think about something but not actually giving any thoughts about it.

Conrad just sighed and shook his head.

And Jerry? Well, Jerry just observed.

The kitchen door was pushed open and Emerald walked in.

"Good morning brothers and sisters," she said with an exquisite smile. "Good morning, mom," she approached mom and placed a kiss on her cheek.

Jerry surveyed her with a frown and he realized that she wasn't ready for work. As a matter of fact she was still in her night clothes.

"What the hell! You're not ready," he snapped.

"What the hell! I'm not going," she snapped back.

"What do you mean?"

She ignored his question and gave mom a sympathetic gaze. "How you doing, mom?"

"I'm fine baby, thanks for asking," mom said with a slight smile as she continued to wash the dishes. "And why aren't you ready for work?"

"My boss asked me to take the week off. I'll resume Monday."

"Oh okay, that's good."

"No no no, that's bad," Jerry chipped in and got up. "How do I get to school?"

"You take the bus, silly," Emerald said.

"I'm not taking the bus."

"Well I'm not driving you to school."

"Then someone has to lend me their car."

"You can't drive," she scoffed.

"I can," he hissed. "I took driving lessons from Travis last summer."

"Travis?" Rachel asked all of a sudden.

"Yes, Travis," he answered knowing fully well that she was merely interested in the conversation because the name Travis was brought up. "Our neighbor from across the street." He turned back to Emerald. "I can drive."

"Yet you don't have a license," she leaned on the counter with a smirk.

"Jerry, honey," mom began with her back still to them. Like, why was she taking forever to wash the dishes? She was supposed to be backing him up here. "Your brother takes the bus to school, and so does Serena. You shouldn't have a problem doing same."

He glared at his mother's back. Why the bloody hell will she be going against him just when he thought she was going to help him out.

Emerald chuckled. "You need to see your face right now."

Rachel giggled and he scowled at the both of them before walking towards the door.

"Sweetie, you're not done eating," mom said.

"I'm fine," he said and stomped out of the house.

There was no way he was taking the bus, he decided as he walked down the street. If he did, he swore he'd throw up at the last minute. But if he didn't take the bus, that meant he had to take a cab, and that meant using some of his lunch money. He'd been so mad at his mom and sister so much that the thought of taking extra cash with him had skipped his mind.

He approached the junction where students usually sat to wait for the bus. He saw that the bus was already there and some students were already going in.

No way was he taking the bus, he decided again and he resolved to take a cab instead.


He forced a smile at whoever it was that called him as the bus drove by. He sighed and stood to wait for a cab.

First period was English. Miss Dalton had tolerated his late coming since the beginning of the term last week. The only reason she actually forgave him each time he arrived late to her class was merely because he was one of the best students that scored really high marks in her tests and exams. He just hoped she'd overlook his late coming today.

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now