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"You broke up?" Tristian exclaimed.

Ashley shrugged as she twirled her hair around her finger. "Don't worry, I'm not heart broken."

They were all in Ashley's house, sitting in her living room. They'd agreed to meet there to keep her company since she was grounded by her strict parents for staying out late last night. Apparently, she'd stayed out late to break up with Rodney. She didn't look bothered about the break up, instead she looked relieved.

A thought suddenly struck Jerry; maybe she'd broken up with Rodney so that she could start her new relationship with Tristian.

He wasn't too certain about it though, but it seemed like the most possible reason for the break up.

Tristian leaned back in his seat with a frown. "That's the only club where we get preferential treatment and now you just had to go and break up with the owner. Not cool, Ash." He raked a hand through his messy blond hair in frustration. "I was looking forward to getting drunk tonight."

"Shut up," Sebastian said, giving him a small punch on the arm.

He winced. "What? I'm already eighteen."

Ashley giggle. "You don't look eighteen."

"Yeah, well, you don't look like you're going to make up with Rodney any time soon, huh? No more free drinks I guess."

"Can you shut up about this? You can have free drinks at Damon's party tomorrow."


"What are you so worked up about, anyway?" Jerry asked, giving his friend a scrutinizing gaze.

Tristian sighed. "Nothing."

"You look like you just got dumped by a girl," Sebastian stated with a smirk and he got a glare from his brother. "If so, then it's probably the thirteenth time in your life."

"Get me a drink," Tristian said to Ashley.

"Don't give me orders, get it yourself," she told him.

"It's your house," he mumbled as he got up.

"Don't start with me. Get your lazy ass moving and learn to do things yourself."

He scowled at her before leaving. Ashley's eyes followed him as he crossed the room. She had that longing look on her face that Jerry had only recently started to notice. She'd kept her feelings hidden for God knows how long.

"When are you finally going to tell him?" Sebastian asked her.

She tore her eyes away from the door that Tristian had just gone through and settled them on Sebastian. "I don't want to talk about this with either of you."

"Okay, then talk about it with Tristian," Jerry suggested.

"Be quiet, he might be lingering out there."

"He's not," Sebastian said. "Stop trying to change the subject."

She shot him a look. "I'll talk to Tristian if you tell me the girl you've had your eyes on lately."

Sebastian stiffened and his eyes went wide for a brief moment before looking away.

"Ah-ha!" Ashley exclaimed. "I knew it. Who is she?"

Jerry was intrigued. This was an unusual discussion. This was completely new. "Bro, you're keeping secrets now?"

"He's a real snake," Ashley said. "I can tell when someone's in love."

"I'm not in love," Sebastian corrected.

"Okay, but you do like someone, right?" Jerry asked.

"I don't."

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now