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Emerald parked beside Jerry's school, and just as he was about to exit the car, she stopped him.

"So, mom asked me to look for a nanny or a maid or whatever," she informed him. "You seem to be in a different world lately so when she told me this yesterday I couldn't really find the appropriate time to fill you in on the latest."

"Lame excuse, Emerald," Jerry said dryly. "Nothing's way more important than seeing mom take a break at this point."

"Okay, true. But what's up with you lately?"

"Nothing." He looked out of the window.

"Is it school?"


"Some kids giving you a hard time? That's impossible though, but..."


"Is it... Winifred?"

He hesitated. "No."

Emerald sighed. Fortunately, she changed the subject and proceeded to inform him that there was a nice old lady whom she'd spoken to about the job. The lady lived in a modest one bedroom apartment with her granddaughter situated on a quiet street behind Gregory's Palace, the hotel Emerald worked at. Emerald drove by her house every morning to work. She was also quite familiar with the lady since the lady had helped her out one time back in late February. Her car had gotten a flat tire right in front of the lady's house and at that time the lady happened to be watering her plants in the small garden in front. The lady's grandson who'd been visiting was the one who had helped change Emerald's flat tire with the spare one they were kind enough to offer. Emerald had insisted on paying them but the lady shoved the thought aside and said...

"...real kindness seeks no return," Emerald told Jerry. "Her granddaughter wants to go to college but they're not financially stable. Her grandson lives in his own small apartment down town. He works as a mechanic in a small service shop, but he's still struggling. The pay isn't that good."

"Their parents?" Jerry questioned.

"Not in the picture." She paused. "So... she has actually invited me a couple of times to have lunch at her house and I've gotten to know them pretty well. They're really nice despite their condition, and knowing they need the money, I couldn't think of anyone but her to take the job."


"She'll be at the house tomorrow, so be nice."

She didn't exactly need to tell him that but he figured she was trying to get him to speak more. He nodded once. "Right."

"It's really what Mrs. Moore loves doing. You know - cleaning, vacuuming, laundry...all those kind of things, so it's definitely no inconvenience to her. Mom will get to know her a bit more before she can get on with her work."


Emerald threw her hands up in frustration. "This is why I was practically reluctant to talk to you about this. When you're in a bad mood, you keep giving these stupid one word responses and it's so annoying. I need your complete attention when it comes to matters like this."

"You do have my attention," Jerry assured her.

"Not completely."

He looked over at her and saw the she was not angry. She was worried. "I'm sorry. It's just..." He trailed off. He didn't know what to tell her.

Last night had been perfect. Magical in fact. Winifred had been perfect. She was perfect. The kiss. The feel of her against him. The way her body fit right in his arms. Her smile and those electric blue eyes he couldn't resist being lost in. The sound of her laugh at the dinner table with his family. The contented look on her face as she'd made small talks with his siblings. All of that had been magical and completely perfect. He had been happy knowing that she was happy. But it was sad that he was going to be the one to damage that small piece of happiness that had blissfully stirred up in her. Last night had been something he'd looked forward to everyday. But after she'd left, every possible hope of intimate attraction he thought he could have toward her vanished. Everything shattered and crumbled into nothingness.

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now