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Winifred sat beside Beatrice in the dinning room table that evening with Travis sitting across from her beside her mom on the other side of the table. Roderick, on the other hand, was sitting at the head of the table. She frowned as she saw the gleam in his eyes when he took her mom's hand and commented on her casserole dish. Her mom gave him a dashing smile in return.

"You jealous, Winnie?" Travis asked with a teasing smile that made dimples to appear on both his cheeks.

He'd probably noticed the furious look she'd been giving his dad and her mom. She scowled at him and then chose to ignore him. She almost thought she caught a flicker of disappointment across his face as he went on with his food. It was pretty apparent that he preferred her snippy and insolent remarks to the silent treatment she now chose to give him every now and then.

"Oh, Winnie," Beatrice said with a pretty smile that reached her eyes. "What d'you say we go shopping tomorrow when I'm back from school."

Winifred smiled back at the amiable girl sitted beside her. She was so pretty and always cheerful that Winifred found it impossible to dislike the girl just like she did her dad and brother.

Beatrice had a bubbly personality that Winifred admired. She was actually the only one in the family that didn't seem to get on Winifred's nerves, and Winifred rewarded her with kindness. She'd go shopping with Beatrice a thousand times if possible. But instead of answering the girl, she moved her gaze and fixated it on her mom and her prince charming. She watched as they both giggled and spoke in hushed whispers while they ate.

She cleared her throat to get their attention. When they both paused and looked at her, she sat up and spoke. "Actually, I've decided to start school tomorrow."

There was an uncomfortable silence in the room as all four pairs of eyes were on her. Why were they gazing at her as though she'd just announced that she'd discovered a bridge to the moon?


All she did was talk about going to school. Every other normal parent would be thrilled to hear such a request from their child. But then, were hers normal? Wasn't it her impulsive mother who'd decided to marry a man she only ever knew for a mere four months? A clever move indeed.

Roderick was the first to speak. "Alright, honey," he said with a smile. "What school do you have in mind?"

She frowned. Was he for real?

She didn't know any of the schools around here, and he knew that. She and her mom were new in this part of the country. She wasn't familiar with any school around yet.
And why the devil was he calling her his honey?

"She can join me at my school," Beatrice suggested when words seemed to fail her.

"Oh sweety, let her decide," Roderick told Beatrice.

Beatrice turned and gazed longingly at her. Her big brown eyes were silently pleading for Winifred to agree to go to her school with her. She gave her the puppy cute look so much that it was very much impossible to say no to her.

"Alright," Winifred gave in. "I'll join Beatrice at her school."

"Yes!" Beatrice exclaimed in excitement.

"Alright." Roderick smiled at his daughter's enthusiasm. "I'll get Winnie registered tomorrow then she can start next week."

"No," she said almost immediately. "I'd like to start tomorrow."

Anything to get away from all of them. Well, Roderick would be at work most of the time, and Travis...she glanced at him and he was staring at her.


Yeah, she'd definitely start school tomorrow. She didn't know if he was usually home or not, but whatever, she wasn't going to take the chances of bumping into him.

"But you're not fully prepared, dear," mom said, giving her a confused look.

"I am prepared."

"But you don't have any books or - "

"I've got my old books. I can still use my old ones from my former school."

"How do you know it's required in Beatrice's school?"

"Bridget dear, give the girl a break please," Roderick chipped in. "I think she's right. She probably doesn't buy the idea of staying home and doing nothing. Perhaps she just feels she has to socialize."

"Roderick's right," Winifred said with a nod and her mom shot her a glare. She never approved of Winifred addressing Roderick by his name. Well, she definitely wasn't going to call him dad. "I need to make friends," she went on, ignoring her mom.

"And if there are any required textbooks that you don't have, I'll pay for them - "

"Don't worry," she cut in, "I've got my savings, I don't need your help."

"Winifred!" Mom blustered in complete fury.

While Roderick sighed and went on with his food without another word, looking like he was feeling sorry for himself, her mom chose to glare at her till the end of the meal.

Travis and Beatrice were awfully quiet which was expected of them.

Winifred was in her room after dinner, getting ready for bed when her mom walked in.

Here we go, Winifred thought.

"What was the meaning of that little scene you displayed earlier at the dinning?" Mom asked disapprovingly.

"What scene?" Winifred asked casually.

"'I've got my savings, I don't need your help.'" Mom mimicked her earlier statement. "You don't need his help but he's still gonna pay the fees, huh? Or have you got savings for that too?"

"If I did, I wouldn't even need his help at all."

Mom's lips puckered in annoyance. "He's now your father, whether you like it or not."

"You don't get to make that decision for me!" Winifred snapped indignantly.

"Don't be ridiculous," mom stepped back in repulsion. "I'm your mother," she snapped back.

"Doesn't mean you always know what's best for me." Winifred walked over to her large bed and sat down. If she didn't put an end to the damn conversation, it probably wouldn't end well. " Mom please, don't ruin my night," she said after a brief pause. "It's my first night here."

"Well don't ruin my marriage," mom said before leaving the room in fury.

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now