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Immediately she was certain that the guests were gone, she hurried out of her room and down the stairs, then she made her way to the kitchen. She found her mom there, washing the dishes. The two maids were present there as well. Again, she wondered why her mom kept on bothering herself since Roderick had finally decided to get some helpers.

"Did you make it a mission to humiliate me today?" She asked her mom in a low tone as she approached her. The maids didn't need to be aware of the conversation.

"What are you talking about?" Mom asked dryly. "They loved my cooking.

Winifred narrowed her eyes. "Everybody loves your cooking, and that's not what I'm getting at."

"And what are you getting at?"

"Seriously mom, if you know you can't resist the urge to get into your foreplay with your prince charming, I suggest you go somewhere private and not do it in front of my friends, it's embarrassing."

"What the... foreplay?" Mom asked quizzically. "What's got into you? No one was paying attention and there was no foreplay involved, stop exaggerating," she dumped the plates in the dish washer and turned to face Winifred. "And I thought those were Travis' friends."

"They go to my school and they're in my class," Winifred told her. "I don't want anyone spreading rumors at school concerning your silly ridiculous love life. It's not healthy."

"Hey! Watch your mouth," mom warned. "Do not deride my relationship with Roderick. Even if you find great difficulty in showing me some respect, at least show Roderick some respect."

Just then, Roderick walked in and approached them, looking from face to face. His presence merely helped to boost Winifred's annoyance. Why did he have to show up at the very moment when she was furious at him? Well, at least she had someone else to lash her remaining fury at and he was just the right person.

"What's going on?" He asked, sensing danger. "Is Winifred badmouthing me again? Because I know she's been doing a lot of that lately."

He didn't seem angry, but he wasn't happy either. Winifred suspected that Travis had told him about the conversation she'd had with her mom the other day - the one about Roderick banging some women instead of actually going to work. She didn't know if she should be grateful that Travis had delivered the information, or angry at him for having such a big mouth. Nonetheless, she wasn't in the least bit mortified for speaking her mind.

"No honey, she isn't badmouthing you," mom assured him.

"Yes I am," Winifred said, immediately.

"Winifred, shut up!" Mom snapped in agitation. "You're so stubborn and I've had enough of your insolence!"

"Then you two have to get used to the fact that I do not approved of your relationship. I don't want him as my father," she declared, pointing a finger in Roderick's direction even though it wasn't completely necessary seeing as he was practically standing next to her. But screw it, they had to be aware of how serious she was.

Her mom and Roderick gaped at the revelation. It was the first time she'd actually revealed it to them in words that she didn't want Roderick to be her dad.

Roderick was obviously upset as he kept a miserable face.

Her mom was mad. She was absolutely and extremely mad.

Her mom took a threatening step towards her. And Winifred had to admit; her face was indeed threatening. "You will accept Roderick as your father. You will show him the respect that he deserves and treat him the way a father should be treated by his daughter. And most importantly, you will not meddle in my relationship with him, because what I do with him is none of your business." She was obviously done with Winifred's crap and it could be heard in her harsh tone. "Do you understand?"

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now