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"I can't believe this!" Beatrice cried. "He tried to get rid of me. No! He actually got rid of me. Did I do something wrong?"

Winifred didn't know what to tell her. It was Monday morning and Beatrice was still miserable after finding out on Sunday night, through Rachel at the mall, that Jerry and Conrad had been home on Saturday all through.

"Conrad doesn't swim," Rachel had told them.

"What?" Beatrice had asked, quite stupefied.

"He hates swimming," Rachel had said. "Jerry swims but he doesn't enjoy it. They told you they had swimming lessons to be at?"

Beatrice has been unable to speak at that moment.

"But they said Mr. Ralf Bob... Mar... Martin would be furious if they showed up late," Winifred had said, allowing Beatrice to process the new information.

Rachel's brows had furrowed immediately. "Mr. Ralf what? That is nobody I know of. I think they made that up."

Which turned out to be true because Winifred could recall Conrad's odd behavior when he'd spoken about their fake Mr Ralf. She'd suspected something was up, except Jerry had played along which kind of made things much more complicated.

"I'm sure Conrad has an understandable explanation for this," Winifred said, trying to soothe Beatrice.

"No," Beatrice sobbed. "Didn't you hear Rachel yesterday? He doesn't swim. He hates it."

"Well maybe he changed his mind. Now get up and get in the shower."

They were in Beatrice's room, and the younger girl had decided to remain in bed, crying her eyes out. Winifred was fully prepared for school, but Beatrice was still tucked under her bed covers, refusing to come out.

"No!" She cried. "I'm not going. There's no Mr. Ralf and Conrad isn't the outdoor type of guy. Rachel said so at the mall."

"Maybe Rachel doesn't know Mr. Ralf." Winifred was already getting tired of the topic. "Now can you please come out,and please don't say no."

Just then, Travis walked in, giving both of them a scowl. "What's this? She's still crying over that boy?"

"Just give her some time," Winifred suggested.

"Time?" He snapped. "We don't have time. I'm supposed to drop you off at school. I've got somewhere to be and she ain't even ready."

"Go away, Travis," Beatrice said, from under the covers. "Take Winnie with you. I'll just take the bus, or I'll drive with Jerry and Emerald."

Her voice was muzzy so Travis couldn't quite pick up on what she was saying. He blinked and turned to Winifred who was closer to her. "Who'd she say she'll drive with.?

"Jerry and Emerald," Winifred answered.

"So you'd get to see that boy again?" He turned to Beatrice. "When is it gonna sink in your head that he's not interested in you. You're just wasting your time kicking up a fuss over this. It's total bullshit! Now get your freaking ass up and quit acting like a little brat."

"Travis!" Winifred exclaimed indignantly.

Beatrice came out from under the covers with a cold sneer on her face. She blinked her tears away and threw a pillow at Travis. "You're mean!" She snapped.

"And you're delusional," he snapped back. "I give you ten minutes and I'm gone."

Winifred was finally able to get Beatrice out of bed, but it was done with great difficulty. By the time they finished having breakfast and went outside, Travis was pacing impatiently as agitation radiated off of him. When he spotted them coming, he gave a brief sigh of relief and went into his car. He drove in total silence, not saying a word to either if them.

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now