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In all the years that Winifred had lived,  she'd never really seen her mom go to such length to impress anyone with her cooking. The hustling that greeted her in the kitchen was overwhelming and somewhat fascinating. It helped to remind her of how hardworking her mom was. Roderick had hired more helpers to assist with preparation for the family dinner tonight but still, her mom seemed to be doing almost everything and Winifred didn't know if she should feel sorry for her or be mad at her. She approached her mom calmly.

Winifred watched her accessing the soup in the pot and then tasting it. "Mmm. Good," Bridget said to the maid. "But add more paprika. Just a tiny bit." She turned and nearly ran into Winifred. "Oh, hey sweety. What are you doing here? Go and get dressed."

"This isn't a party, right? It's just dinner?" She asked curiously.

"It's a dinner party."

"Mom," she groaned. "You're doing too much."

"Don't you want to impress our neighbors?"

"I do, but -"

"Good," she said and hurried past her.

"Okay, but can I do something to help?"

Her mom paused and turned to look at her in surprise. "What? You wanna help?"

"Yeah, I feel useless around here."

Mom was confused for a second. "I - okay, come with me."

Winifred follow her to the counter where there was a tray of raw meat.

"Chop the beef, medium size. I'll stir fry it when you're done," her mom told her.

Winifred grabbed a knife and began doing as she was told. Just then, Travis strolled in with three bottles of wine.

"Are these the ones you requested?" He asked Bridget.

"Yes, yes. Perfect," she told him and took the bottles from him before leaving to do other things.

When Travis noticed Winifred, he approached her with one of those annoying smirks. "Oh, wow. Are you cooking?"

She took a deep breath and thought for a while before answering. "Barely," she replied, knowing fully well that he was about to make fun of her.

"You have a mom that cooks well, so I don't see why you wouldn't excel in that aspect."

"Well, sorry to burst your bubbles but, cooking is not really my thing," she told him as she chopped each piece of meat as fast as she could. There really was no time. The Daniels could be here any minute.

"Be careful with that," he gestured at the knife she held. "You don't wanna chop your finger off and I don't wish to taste your flesh in tonight's meal."

"What are you doing here? What do you want?"

"Nothing. I'm just here to give moral support."

"I didn't ask for it. You're merely distracting."

"Oh, really?" He asked and leaned forward, down towards her ear. "Is my good looks getting in the way of your alleged expertise?" He asked this in a hushed whisper.

Winifred clenched the knife she held. "Did anyone tell you how dangerous it is to provoke someone who has a knife in their hand?" She asked in a low threatening tone.

He stepped away from her in shock. "What the fuck? You sound like a complete psychopath, damn."

He didn't waste time in bolting out of the kitchen.

Roderick came home some minutes later and once it was 6:30pm, the Daniels were already at the front door.

Winifred and Beatrice were helping to set the table when Emerald and Serena walked into the dining room first, followed by Mrs Daniels, and then Rachel and then Conrad, and then Hilary and...hold on.

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now