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"I am sorry to announce that Piper Dickinson has transferred to another school," Miss Dalton told the class sadly. "She was one of our brightest students here, so the news came as a huge shock to me."

Jerry's first instinct was to look in Elijah's direction. Surprisingly, he looked pissed off about the sudden announcement. He noticed Winifred looking at Elijah as well before glancing back at him, her expression masking confusion.

Thankfully, Tristian wasn't paying attention to them, he was too busy sketching some weird diagram in his note book.

Jerry gave Winifred a sign to look forward and she immediately obeyed. He didn't miss Hilary's scowl from across the room when she noticed their little exchange. Her jealousy wasn't going to get her anywhere with him. It looked as though she was keeping tabs on him and everything he did. Who he spoke to, who he looked at, where he sat and who he sat with. He couldn't wait for her to get her ass out of his house. He was getting tired of seeing her face every morning when he woke up from his sleep. And the fact that she even went as far as planning with Elijah to put Winifred in discomfort just made him sick to the core.

"I have been asked to not reveal the school she got transferred to due to some personal reasons," Miss Dalton went on. "But, if you have her phone number, do well to reach out to her and find out if she's doing well. I really hope her departure has nothing to do with anyone in this class." Her eyes swept over everyone's faces, searching for a possible suspect. When she was done reading everyone's expressions, she went on. "Now, who was paired with Miss Dickinson for the assignment?"

Jerry raised a hand to identify himself.

Miss Dalton was surprised for a bit. "Uh..." She said as she glanced nervously between him and Elijah. "I was going to say..."

"I'll work alone," jerry said immediately.

Miss Dalton smiled knowingly. "Of course."

Once miss Dalton's class was over, Jerry made his way to Elijah's seat. "What did you do to Piper? He demanded.

Elijah yawned and leaned back in his seat. "Ah, I'm bored already."

"You know what, only someone as dumb as you can go as far as scaring away your only ticket when it comes to doing school work and running errands. Now who's going to do all that? Clay and Bobby?" He jerked his head in Clay and Bobby's direction and they scowled at him. "They're completely useless when it comes to academics and running errands. It's no surprise since they take after you."

"So you're finally admitting she was well qualified for that sort of job?" Elijah asked, ignoring Jerry's last statement.

"No, I'm trying to see how much dumber you got since last year."

"Careful, Daniels. I'm way pissed off about this than you think you are," Elijah said all too calmly. "Like you said, she was my personal slave and I'm mad that she quit without my knowledge. If I find her, I'll make her suffer."

"Back off!" Jerry snapped. "You've already done too much terrible things to one girl."

"You make it sound like I forced myself on her or something," Elijah said in disgust. "That's the last thing on my mind when it comes to that weirdo."

Clay chuckled loudly beside Elijah. "Hey, Rico, don't you think you're worrying too much about Piper when you should be worrying about that crazy girlfriend you've got? Bitch has been getting on my nerves and I'm about to lose my shit anytime soon."

"Who?" Jerry asked even when he knew who.

"Winifred West. If I get my hands on her -" He got cut off with Elijah's threatening look.

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now