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Winifred woke up the next morning with a severe hangover. What's worse is that she couldn't recall drinking any serious alcohol in her entire life and she knew for sure that she didn't indulge in any hard drinking yesterday. The last drink she had last night was ginger beer. It didn't have any alcohol in it as far as she could remember. But then how did she get home again?

And why was she still wearing her dress from yesterday!

Oh no! Don't tell me I slept with makeup on!

She stripped naked and rushed in the shower whilst trying to rap her head around the events of last night. She eventually gave up when there was no credible result or explanation that could help soothe her mood. She refused to add to her headache by thinking and didn't wish to remember the crazy dream she had.

After freshening up, she went downstairs and into the kitchen where she met her mom and Roderick... MAKING OUT!

They both jumped away from each other when she slammed the door hard.

"Winifred," her mom said in embarrassment as she adjusted her shirt. "What are you doing here?"

"Unfortunately I live here," Winifred replied, walking toward the direction of the fridge and refusing to spare either of them a glance.

"Well, Travis and Beatrice went grocery shopping," Roderick said nervously. "And we thought you'd, um, sleep in late today since it's Saturday and it's 10 a.m."

She didn't pay any attention to them, she just grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and gulped down every single drop of it.

Why was she so thirsty?

"Which reminds me," Bridget suddenly said looking all grim. "You left for a party right in the middle of family dinner with the Daniels. How disrespectful could you get Winifred?"

"Well, at least she's making friends," Roderick said.

Bridget calmed down. "Um, I guess you're right."

"And she had Travis and Jerry with her. That's just enough guardians I suppose."

Winifred's head swiped up. "Jerry?"

"Yes, Jerry," Bridget supplied. "He carried you up to your room because you fell asleep on the way back. Such a sweet kid. Anyone would look at him and like him in an instant . Something about his aura that makes you feel safe with him around." After the unexpected praise she frowned at Winifred . "You must have partied a lot last night, huh? How much did you drink? Tell me."

Winifred looked dumbfounded. Not because of the sudden question and accusation. But because of this piece of information given to her by her mother that Jerry had been at the party. What was frustrating was that she couldn't recall seeing him there last night. Something wasn't adding up.

"Don't worry about Mrs Daniels," Roderick told her. "She said you'll make it up to her by having dinner at their house next week. You okay with that?"

She nodded without really thinking.

What went on last night at the party? Why couldn't she remember seeing Jerry there?

"What's for breakfast?" She asked, deciding to quench her hunger first. She needed enough energy if she was going to think and rack her brain.

Her mom served her with bacon and eggs which she took upstairs to her room where she found her phone ringing.

It was Jerry!

Nice. Just the right person to answer her questions.

"Good, you're awake," Jerry said with a deep raspy voice that caused butterflies to dance in her stomach.

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now