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"Mr. Daniels," Miss Dalton turned and raised her brows at him.

Jerry paused at the door and stared directly into Miss Dalton's disapproving eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Miss D," he began. "There was a little misunderstanding at home, so I had to - "

"Save it, Mr. Daniels," she raised a hand to silence him. "Just fix yourself somewhere. We're already running out of time."

Jerry nodded.

He scanned the room for any empty seat. He saw one beside Sebastian by the windows and shuffled to the seat. He slid in behind the desk with a sigh of relief; glad that it wasn't Hilary he was sitting next to.

"Hey," he said to Sebastian.

"What's up?" Sebastian gave a brief nod.

"Cool. What did I miss?"

"New student. Behind you. Last row, next to Tristian."


Sebastian nodded.

Jerry turned to look and his eyes immediately locked into that of the girl sitting next to Tristian. He stared at her for a brief moment, taking in the sight of her. She had sable black curls which hung in a ponytail. Her eyes seemed to be electric blue as they surveyed him in a way he couldn't quite place. She had a smooth shiny pale skin and a slender form. She cocked her head to one side, exposing an elegant swan's neck. Her red heart shaped lips puckered and she gave him a slight frown.

Was she annoyed at him for staring?

"Yo dude, quit staring," Sebastian nudged him with his elbow.

She broke eye contact with him when Miss Dalton, who had been busy at the board, flung round to face the class.

Jerry looked forward and decided to give his attention to their teacher as she jumped straight into the lesson.

English moved quickly. The following class, History, was just as fast. He kept having the urge to look back at the new girl but he didn't wish to give her the idea that he was curious or interested in her. Which he certainly was not. But there was no doubt that she was staring at him; he could feel her gaze burning into his back.

Third period ended with the start of the lunch bell.

Jerry stole a glance at the new girl as she made her way out of the class with the rest of the students. He grabbed his belongings and walked with Sebastian. Tristian and Ashley joined them as they exited the class.

"Tristian thinks she's cute," Ashley told them with a nervous chuckle.

"Who?" Jerry asked; although he knew who.

"The new girl. Winifred."

"That's her name?" He asked, looking at Tristian.

Tristian shrugged. "Yeah. But I don't think she's the talking type. She barely said a word to me after we introduce ourselves."

"Maybe she's a snob," Ashley said. "Just like Hilary."

"I doubt," Tristian shook his head.

On their way to the cafeteria, Jerry paused in front of Miss Dalton's office.

"I wanna see Miss D," he said to his friends. "I'll catch up with you guys."

They nodded and left. He turned and lightly tapped on the closed door before stepping into the office. Miss Dalton looked up from her desk and raised a brow.

"Mr.Daniels," she said. "Forgot to set your alarm again?"

"No, Miss D," he said, ignoring her playful smirk. "I'm sorry I arrived late to your class. It really wasn't my intention."

"Really?" She asked, not at all impressed.

"And I understand if you decide to punish me by deducting - "

"There will be a five points deduction from your grade," she said firmly as she leaned back in her chair. "You came late three times last week and today."

Jerry nodded. "And I'm sorry." He turned to go.

"Jerry," she said, getting up. "I'm really sorry dear, but as much as I want to help you out, I simply can't show favoritism. I mean - you're one of my best students, but I really can't."

"I get it," he said looking back. "I... I don't expect any preferential treatments from you. And I just thought it was wise to come and see you concerning my late coming. I believe it must have pissed you off at some point."

"Indeed," she smiled. "But it's okay."

"I'm sorry."

"Thank you for being wise."

He gave her a nod and left the office.

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now