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Winifred frowned at the piece of paper that was shoved in front of her face. She slowly shut her locker, carefully making sure that she didn't slam it out of frustration.

She was starving, so a hungry Winifred was an angry Winifred. Her brilliant idea to stay away from the so called family had gone well so far. She'd skipped breakfast with the intention of not wanting to see any of them. She'd also taken the bus to school, automatically skipping the usual ride with Travis and Beatrice.

She'd received a text from her mom a couple of minutes after she made it into the school's hallway, demanding where she was and why she hadn't showed up for breakfast yet. A normal parent would have gone to check on their child to see if they were actually infact in the house at all. But then she remembered that her mother wasn't exactly classified under such term, since she'd decided a text message would do the trick.

And of course, Winifred had done exactly what any other Winifred would do.

She ignored the text.

Winifred's frown turned to a mild glare as her eyes ran over the paper in front of her. She turned to look at the boy that stood next to her. He gave her a wide grin. Too bad it did nothing to ease her hunger at the moment. She didn't know why she was so hungry by the way. It wasn't like her to crave food so eagerly. Few minutes after arriving the school's premises, she'd tentatively made her way to the cafeteria only to be met with a sad news that it wasn't open until lunch time for some awkward reason she couldn't recall. Like how did that make any sense? Someone could be dying of hunger. She was dying of hunger. And this guy had chosen that moment to hold out a stupid paper to her face that read something about a dumb party on Friday.

He dropped his hand with the paper in it before roughly shoving it into his left hand. He held out his right hand with a cocky smile. "Hi. Damon Alvarez," he said.

Winifred's gaze bounced lazily from his outstretched hand to his face as he waited for her to take his hand. When she just sighed and waited for him to go on, he dropped his hand, blushing in embarrassment.

"So sorry for coming up to you like that," he said, scratching the back of his head. "I don't know if you know me. We share a few classes together though. English, Biology and Geography. I've asked Tristian so many times about you but he just doesn't reveal much so I wasn't quite sure how to approach you." He chuckled. "The whole class is a bit curious about you if you didn't already know, and we're not so sure if you'll chop off our heads if we walked up to you, so im ju..."

While he was going on about whatever it was he was trying to get at, her phone chimed and she dug it out from her bag. She stared at the screen which revealed another text from her mom.

Don't tell me u left for school without anyone's awareness.
U are so stubborn!

Winifred rolled her eyes at those very famous words she'd heard countless times.

Her phone chimed again.

We are having a TALK when u get home.

Yeah, right.

This time around she switched off the phone. The nerve of that woman.

" are you coming?"

She looked up at the guy in front of her. What was his name again? David? Damon? Oh yeah, Damon. He was saying something that was less important at the moment.

"Huh?" She asked him.

"I was saying that my birthday is on Friday," he said, watching her for a possible reaction. "I'm throwing a party on Friday night." He held out the piece of paper to her. "That's the address."

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now