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Her mom was too busy playing genial host tonight so much that she barely noticed the change of mood in the atmosphere that was present in one side of the room.

Devastation was currently eating Winifred up and this was one of those very unexpected rare moments where she somehow craved just a tiny bit of her mother's attention. But, Bridget was multitasking and doing things that weren't entirely necessary for a host to do; she was bringing in the food with the help of the maids, pouring more drinks for everyone as well as helping the chef in the kitchen whenever she got the chance. As much as Winifred admired her hard work, she couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed at how hard she was trying to impress everyone. Feeling the need to contribute, Mrs Daniels and Emerald decided to lend her a hand when they could.

Coupled with the ache in her heart, Winifred wasn't really feeling the hype over the whole family dinner party like she had just a few hours ago. She just wanted to curl up into her mother's arms and ask her what her highschool love story had been like. If it was as complicated as hers. This thought only lingered in her head for some seconds before something hit her in her thoughts making her realize that she couldn't recall the last time she'd had any intimate discussion with her mom let alone be wrapped up in her arms.

It was an uncommon desire but she needed something or someone to heal her wounded heart. She glanced at the person responsible for it.

Jerry sat across from her at the dining table and she never knew a day would come where she wished it was somebody else but him that sat directly opposite her. Even Hilary was a better option. At least she knew Hilary hated her. She didn't know Jerry's feelings for her. She didn't know if he liked her or not. Right now, she avoided eye contact with him and he did the same.

Dinner was a garlicky grilled coconut shrimp with shishito peppers, followed by garlic herb roast chicken and chicken stew with potatoes and radishes. There were three bowls of spicy lobster pasta that could go around for everyone. Two large bowls of fried rice and stir fried beef and broccoli were added to the table. The salad was a warm Brussels Caesar served with bacon. Indeed, there was enough food for everyone.

Dinner table conversation switched from cooking to business and then eventually to school.

"Well, Winifred is quite popular these days," Hilary said at some point.

The table went quiet and everyone looked at Hilary, hoping for her to elaborate more.

After a moment of awkward silence, Beatrice cleared her throat and made an attempt to speak but Hilary beat her to it.

"What I mean is -"

"What she means is that Winifred has been making a lot of friends lately," Jerry cut in. "I think I saw her having lunch with Holly and her friends yesterday."

"That's great!" Bridget said. "It usually takes her nearly a month to make friends. I'm shocked to hear this right now, at the same time I'm impressed." She beamed at Winifred.

"She's making friends as well as enemies," Hilary announced and everyone gaped.

Winifred paused mid cutting her chicken. She suddenly felt the urgent need to throw the knife she held at Hilary.

What the hell? The bitch better not ruin this night for everyone.

"Every celebrity have got their own share of haters, right?" Travis said casually and took a sip from his wine with his eyes on Winifred across the table.

"I guess that's true," Bridget said. "But I hope she's not causing any trouble"

"She's not," Jerry and Beatrice replied in unison before Hilary could say anything.

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now