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How dare he!

That asshole. Just when she thought she was beginning to like him, he chooses to ruin everything. Why?

Winifred got home and without wasting even a minute, she dashed up the stairs to her room. She slammed the door behind her and threw herself on the bed.

Jerry was in her frigging head.

Why? Why did he have to be there?

Her bloody thoughts were filled with that guy and it was so frustrating because she couldn't think about anything else but the ridiculous bust-up she'd had with him at school.

She'd walked out on him, praying to God that he'd change his mind about his decision to stay away from her, and pull her back to him and kiss her or something.

Wait a minute.

Kiss her?

What the freak was going on with her? Why this sudden thought about a kiss with him? Why was her mind delivering such thoughts about him to her?

This definitely wasn't human.

Or was it?

Damn it, she didn't know. She'd never felt this way before. At her old school she'd had a lot of male friends. But that was it. Friends. They never gave her the chills or made her blush or made her stomach do those really weird twirls and summersaults.

But Jerry knew how to do all that to her. He always hit the right spot.

The intricacy of the whole drama today was making her sick.

Beatrice still wasn't her usual enthusiastic self. It just made things much more difficult. Winifred missed her bubbly character. Her hyperactive behavior could definitely come in handy at the moment.

Maybe she shouldn't have gone with Beatrice to Jerry's house the other day. Maybe things will still be normal between the both of them. Maybe Tristian wouldn't be upset with her or whatever. And maybe - just maybe, Jerry would still want to remain friends with her.

She rolled on the bed, feeling sick to the core. Not physically sick, but emotionally.

Why was she feeling this way?

Gosh! This was such an unusual feeling.

Her phone chimed and she groaned and grabbed her bag, searching for the device in it.

She found it and without looking at who the caller was, she answered.


There was a brief pause at the other end of the line. "Uh...hi."

Her heart froze. Why oh why did that voice sound so familiar?

"Jericho?" She asked.

"Yes. What's up?"

His voice was so calm and smooth that she found herself standing and practically fidgeting. It was almost as if they hadn't had any quarrel an hour ago.

"I'm good," she replied. "And you?"

"Not so good," he said and then paused. "Look, um, do you wanna come over or something?"

Wait a minute. Wait a damn minute.

"I thought you said you didn't want to be around me," she couldn't help but remind him.

He chuckled. "Yeah, about that." There was a long pause again and she heard him sigh. "You know what? You should probably just come over so that we can talk about it."

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now