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Monday. People may consider this day to be the beginning of a school day or work day for the week. She considered this to be the beginning of drama. With the way things had been moving for her since she got to this school two weeks ago, she really didn't expect anything peaceful to happen to her this week. M


Where was she? She was the only one Winifred could think of as she searched around the hallway. She finally caught sight of Jade walking in with Catherine and Holly.

Winifred ran to them and grabbed Jade by her shoulder. "What did you put in the drink?"

Jade winced at the grip on her shoulder. "Are you insane? Let go." She said and pushed Winifred.

Winifred pulled her by her arm. "You spiked my drink, didn't you?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jade whispered indignantly. "People are watching. I'm not gonna be caught in a cat fight with you."

"What's wrong?" Catherine asked worriedly. "Why would Jade put something in your drink?"

"I didn't!" Jade snapped. "She's just looking for who to pick a fight with since she couldn't beat her previous opponent, Hilary."

"What did you just say?" Winifred asked and took a threatening step towards her.

"Whoa, Okayyy," Holly said and stepped between them. "Let's not do this here, yeah? People are watching for real."

Indeed, the students around were throwing curious glances at them.

Calm down, Winifred, calm down.

She took a deep breath and then looked Jade in the eyes. "We need to talk. Meet me in the lawn before—"

Jade scoffed. "I have nothing to say to you." She walked past Winifred, bumping shoulders with her in the process.

Winifred scowled hard. She was reaching her limit of patience. Sooner or later she was going to start throwing punches at someone, anyone.

"What's going on?" Catherine asked her.

"Yeah," Holly joined in. "I'm so confused. What's this ruckus about?"

"You were right there with me, correct?" Winifred asked Holly. "At the party when Jade brought us drinks."

Holly nodded. "Yes. What about that?"

"I started experiencing dizziness and weird headaches after I took the drink."


"And then Clay dragged me to the backyard where Elijah was waiting. They tried to hurt me."

Catherine gasped. "Oh no. Are you okay?"

Winifred nodded. "Jade's on their side. She has something to do with Elijah."

"That's impossible. Elijah is her number one enemy. He used to bully her," Holly said. "Jade would never let him use her like that. And besides, you left to find Damon, are you sure you didn't drink something else from another person?"

"I didn't."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm certain," Winifred said. "Stop defending her, she's been acting really suspicious since the very first day I met you guys."

"I know Jade better than you," Holly snapped. "I wouldn't defend her if I didn't know her well enough. She's not on Elijah's side."

"You don't know that."

"I do!"

"Why are you getting so worked up?"

"Because you're acting like you know my best friend better than me."

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now