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With no friendly ally by her side, Winifred walked aimlessly through the hallway, not entirely sure where to go or where the cafeteria - or wherever the students usually stayed for lunch - was.


A loud yell echoed through the hallway. She, like the few students around, stopped and turned to watch as Beatrice ran to meet her. She smiled as Beatrice approached her. She was actually glad to finally see someone she was familiar with.

"Hey, what's up?" She said as Beatrice took her hand.

"Let's go have lunch," Beatrice said instead. "Were you lost? You seemed confused when I sighted you from afar. How was class?"

"Uh..." Winifred said, screwing her eyes up, not really sure which question to answer. "I was looking for the cafeteria."

"Oh!" Beatrice pulled at her arm. "This way."

They walked down the hallway and stopped in front of the large double doors. They pushed it open and walked in. A vibrant noice filled the air as they entered the very large cafeteria. Winifred gasped as she looked around at the crowd of students that sat to eat lunch with their friends.

Pulling her along, Beatrice led her to the lunch line. They stood behind a group of girls that Winifred recognized. They'd been in the English and History class, but had left immediately after the second period.

One of the girls; the one with silver blond hair, turned to look at her.

Hi," she said with a very fake smile, exposing really nice set of teeth. "You're West, right?"

"Actually, it's Winifred," she replied, returning her smile with a frown.

The rest of her crew turned to look at Winifred. They gave her a disgruntled look as they eyed her from her head to her toes. The blond moved her gaze and placed it on Beatrice who stood beside her.

"Hi," Beatrice said with a wide smile.

The girl's expression was a mask of mild irritation when she scoffed and turned her back to them, then she and her crew ordered their lunch and walked out.

"That was Hilary," Beatrice told her as they stepped forward to take their orders.

"And the others?" Winifred asked as she took a tray and ordered an apple pie with fresh orange juice.

"Her best friends," Beatrice replied after ordering some waffle fries with cream cheese and an apple juice. "We sit here," she said, leading her to a large table by the corner of the cafeteria.

They sat across from one another and Beatrice leaned forward. "So?"


"Made any friends yet?"

"No, not really."

"What?" Beatrice asked, twisting her lips in disbelief.

"What's the deal with that girl?" Winifred asked, changing the subject as quickly as possible.

"You mean Hilary?" Beatrice asked and she nodded to answer her own question. "Well, apart from the fact that she's the most popular girl in school, and an egotistical and arrogant being - I think she's human."

"With the look on her face I assumed she didn't like you."

"She doesn't like anyone apart from herself," she replied after sipping from her juice. "And I make it a hobby to be nice to her because I know it annoys her even further."

Winifred chuckled. "She likes no one but herself?"

Beatrice paused and looked up from her lunch. Her eyes moved past Winifred and focused on someone behind her. "Well, apart from herself, her friends, and probably her family..." Her lips curved into a smile. "And Jericho Daniels."

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now