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"That's the girl," Beatrice whispered to Winifred as they looked through a rack of dresses.

Right after her last class, Beatrice had dragged Winifred out of school and all the way to her favourite store in the mall to purchase an exquisitely elegant dress that could hopefully help to impress Conrad tonight.

Winifred's entire time in school today was an unexpected trauma she hoped to never experience again.

The whispers, the looks, the accusations, the rumors, Hilary's evil smile, Elijah's threats, Jerry's confession...everything was haunting her so much that she was thankful for this bonding time with Beatrice where she could simultaneously clear her head from anything school related and somehow solve the mystery behind this brunette's obsession with Beatrice.

The brunette that stood behind the counter was actually prettier than the person Winifred had pictured her to be in her head. Winifred had expected some kind of crazy appearance, but that was not the case; this girl actually looked decent. With the way Beatrice had spoken of her creepy behavior, one would expect something falling in that line. Winifred was about to decide that the girl didn't appear to look that bad until she saw the way she chewed her gum and blew bubbles every three seconds, exposing the fact that she had a bitchy personality. Winifred decided right then that she didn't like her.

"I don't really need a dress," Beatrice confessed. "I already have one at home that I have in mind for tonight. Let's check the jewelries."

The approached the jewelry counters which just happened to be closer to where Tracy Holland sat behind the cash register. She just finished attending to a customer and what appeared to look like a fake welcoming smile lit up on her face when she noticed Beatrice.

"Oh look," Tracy said. "It's my favorite customer. Why am I not surprised?"

"Because I'm a regular here," Beatrice said dryly, but there was an edge attached to her voice.

Winifred noticed how stiff Beatrice had gotten, revealing how nervous she was around Tracy. She didn't appreciate this weirdo taking delight in making Beatrice uncomfortable.

"Aww," Tracy said with a mock pout. "For a moment I thought you missed me."

"Hardly," Beatrice murmured beneath her breath and placed the jewelry she'd picked out on Tracy's counter. "Here."

Tracy took a close look at it.

It was a necklace, a silver amethyst, shimmering with magnificent glossy pearls in its delicate matrix.

"Hmm, pretty expensive," Tracy noted.


"Must be nice having a rich dad."

"How do you know my dad is rich?"

"Isn't it obvious with the way you look? You smell rich too, so it must be nice to be covered with luxury."

"Don't you think you're talking too much for a mere cashier?" Winifred asked, causing Tracy to notice her presence.

"Is she with you?" Tracy asked Beatrice.

"She is," Beatrice replied, stepping closer to Winifred.

Tracy glanced between the two of them as she blew another bubble yet again. "Well, didn't really picture you as someone who's into girls." She said to Beatrice.

"Excuse me?" Winifred took a step toward the counter, placed her books on it and leaned toward Tracy. "For someone who seems to know too much about Beatrice, you failed on that part. Isn't that a shame?"

Tracy smirked and leaned forward too, her face only an inch away from Winifred's. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, love. I was just joking. I know Beatrice is straight. She probably has a guy she's crushing on at school, right Beatrice?"

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now