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The evening had been going peacefully until Hilary had opened her big mouth attempting to ruin the mood. Thankfully Jerry had been there to stop her from running her mouth and Travis and Beatrice had backed him up too.

Right now, they were getting ready to have dessert and he was in a really tense mood because Winifred and Hillary didn't return from the toilet yet. He was worried because he feared the worst might happen, so just a moment ago he'd sent Beatrice to go and check up on them. He knew he'd hurt Winifred's feelings earlier and now he was afraid she might defy his instructions to be on good behavior tonight.

He had to admit that he'd been tempted to fall deep into her kiss and accept her desire to engulf him passionately into a never ending romance where no one could stop them or make them feel guilty. It was the feeling of guilt that had pulled him away from her. He remembered she was the girl his best friend was trying so hard to be with. If he went too far with Winifred, it would seem like he was jeopardizing Tristian's effort. Jerry didn't want to be the bad guy here. As much as it tempted him to be selfish for once and put his needs above others, he knew he would regret it in the end.

Jerry could handle seeing Winifred with Tristian, but he couldn't tolerate the way Damon Alvarez was always finding a reason to be close to her. It bothered him because Damon hung out with Elijah on a regular and despite his easygoing facade, Jerry still felt that he shouldn't be trusted. Especially where Winifred was concerned. He'd seen the way Damon had stroked her head in class today and it had completely put him off.

Maybe it's because you're jealous?

Whatever. Something about Damon just bugged him.

Jerry gulped down the remainder of his wine just as Hilary walked into the dining. He kept his eyes behind her, expecting to see Winifred too but it was just Hilary.

He noticed the band aid on her wrist and he panicked. "What happened?"

"Winifred happened," Hilary said and slid in the seat next to him.

"What happened?" He asked again.

"She hurt me," Hilary said with tears in her eyes.

"That's not possible. Where is she?"

"What do you mean it's not possible? Look at my wrist." She held up her hand.


"Mrs West caught her in the act and had to scold her."

"You're lying."

"Excuse me?" She exclaimed. "Why do you keep siding with her? I'm the victim here."

"I'm not believing anything you say until I hear from Winifred. Where is she?"

"Why should I care?"

"You're right," he said, glaring at her. "Why should you care? You've never really been useful to me after all." He ignored the look of hurt on her face and went to search for Winifred.

On his way, he almost ran into Beatrice who'd just hurried in from the front door.

"Jerry!" She called breathlessly. "This is bad."

"What is it?"

"Winifred," Beatrice began. "Travis brought her in his car and took off."

"Shit!" He cursed and went outside.

Beatrice hurried out after him. "Do you think he's taking her there? I mean, it's not his fault. He doesn't know that Elijah is a threat. I doubt he even knows who Elijah is."

"Shh, I need to think."

Beatrice was quiet but she moved from one foot to the other anxiously as she waited for him to speak.

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now