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Jerry sat at the table in the school's cafeteria during lunch with his best friends, Ashley and the twins.

In class, he'd been forced to sit next to Hilary. They'd arrived late to class because of Ashley's silly nagging, and the only empty seat in the classroom just had to be the one next to Hilary.

Hilary was the school's biggest snob, or at least that's what they called her.

Jerry thought of her as a pompous arrogant egoist. She was so full of herself and never approved of anyone getting ahead of her in anything. And to deteriorate the whole situation, his mom was friends with her mom.


It happened two years ago when he was crowned homecoming king and Hilary was crowned homecoming queen.

Ever since then, everyone practically believed they were an item.

Although Hilary had this huge ridiculous crush on him, but his friends knew better than to believe that the feeling was mutual.

He disliked Hilary.

Not everyone knew that but then his friends did.

Even though she was practically the prettiest girl in school, he'd rather go out with a pig than go out with Hilary.

An overstatement, yes, but in a case where Hilary was involved, it was definitely necessary.

Hilary had asked him out a dozen of times and he'd politely turned her down.

Normally, the guy asks the girl out and not the other way around. But things worked differently in Hilary's head. She was way too forward for his liking. Sometimes he wished he could act like Tristian and tell her to buzz off and quit bugging him. But he wasn't Tristian. He couldn't bring himself to hurt a girl, even if that girl happened to be Hilary. Either ways, he was a nice guy, or at least that's what everyone said.

He sighed and focused on his friends as they talked about yet another clubbing tonight.

"I won't be joining you guys today," he announced, refusing to look any of them in the face. After a moment of awkward silence and it felt like they weren't going to respond, he looked up at them.

Tristian was just about to take a bite from his cheese burger. He paused half way and stared at Jerry, his mouth hung open.

Sebastian's brows furrowed together, his face a picture of both worry and confusion.

And Ashley - well Ashley just gave him the exact look he'd been expecting from her. Her face was a mixture of mild irritation and anger.

"Well, that's a bummer," Tristian stated, finally taking a bite from his burger.

"Sorry guys," Jerry told them, trying all he could in his power to avoid Ashley's furious lingering gaze. "I think it's best I stay home tonight. I wouldn't want my mom to discover that I'm always sneaking out at night. Lately she's been looking and sounding rather ill, and I don't want her to get upset or worried because of me. It's not good for her."

He quickly caught a glimpse at Ashley's expression as her face softened, displaying sympathy and concern.

"Oh sweety, is she alright?" Ashley asked as she took his hand in hers.

Jerry gave her a slight smile. He'd always loved Ashley's sense of understanding, it overwhelmed him. "I don't know. She looks pretty worn out and ill. It was extremely obvious just this morning," he replied.

If his mom was indeed ill, then it was a smart choice to play nice and obedient son. Not that he wasn't obedient, but sometimes he had to do the cool stuffs with his friends and that sometimes meant he had to break some rules. Typical teen boy lifestyle.

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now