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"Hi," Sebastian said with a smile. "You're Winifred, right?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

"I'm Sebastian and this is Jerry."

Jerry glanced at Sebastian beside him. Why the hell was he making introductions? Surely Tristian must have mentioned them to her.

"I'm guessing you're here for Tristian," she said.

"Sort of," Sebastian shrugged.

"Well, he left with Travis to get something," she said, her eyes focused on Jerry for a few seconds before returning to Sebastian. "They'll be back in a while."

Several questions popped into Jerry's head. What's she doing here? Is she Travis' girlfriend? Did she come to visit him? Are they dating?

The last question made his heart to do an uncomfortable summersault in his chest. The thought of her and Travis being together was almost as revolting as seeing Tristian hovering around her all week at school. But then why was he so worked up about the whole situation? It wasn't like he was into this girl.

Or was he?

And still, he was curious as to why she was in this house.

"I live here actually," she said, almost as if she read his mind.

"Really?" Jerry asked before he could stop himself. How did she know his thoughts?


"I didn't know."

"I thought Tristian told you," she said with her brows raised.

"He knows?" Now this was another surprise.


"That's weird, he didn't tell me."

She shrugged. "Uh...I have to get something." She crossed the large room and walked towards the kitchen.

Once she was out of earshot, Jerry turned to Sebastian. "Did you know?"

"Know what?" Sebastian asked in that annoying casual way of his.

"That she lives here."

"No. If I did, I don't see any reason why I'd have to hide it from you."

"Then why did Tristian hide it from me? Or even you?" When Sebastian just sighed and shook his head, Jerry slumped back in the couch in confusion. "Damn, she's been living across from me for God knows how long and Tristian just had to keep his bloody mouth shut about it."

"Remind me again why you're making such a fuss about this?" Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"I'm not," Jerry said calmly, thinking that Sebastian was probably right. He was being a little bit too uptight.

Serena and Beatrice suddenly came down to join them. Serena had a wide grin on her face as she approached them.

"Did you know?" She asked.

"Know what?" Jerry questioned.

It was a funny déjà vu because he'd just had the same exchange with Sebastian not too long ago.

"That Beatrice has got a sister!"

Jerry glanced at Beatrice who'd just made herself comfortable in the armchair. "Really?" He asked her and she gave a nod in response.

"Where's Conrad?" Beatrice asked.

Of course, a better topic for her. Jerry tried not to roll his eyes. "Home," he answered briefly.

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now